Chapter 4: Just a Friend

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"Cartman? Is there something you need to tell me?"
"Whatdo you mean Kahl?"
"Well, I mean this."

Kyle and Cartman were standing in the school hallway and Kyle had stopped Cartman from going to class. Kyle was holding a picture of Butters covered in hearts that he found when Cartman had dropped it.

"I....uh," Cartman said sweating  

There was something Cartman had to say. Of course he wasn't going to say however he didn't believe it himself.He could he was in love with Butters.He wasn't even sure of if he did have a crush on the blonde. Yes, they were best friends, but more  than that? Cartman wasn't sure, but the picture that Kyle held out in front of him said the truth.
"Cartman ," Kyle said sternly "Do you like like....." He trailed off  

Cartman looked from side to side, then grabbed Kyle's hand and practically dragged him to the bathroom.
"Kahl,"Cartman said once the two boys were in the bathroom "I know what it looks like but I'm seriouslah..."

Kyle raised a eyebrow at Cartman and crossed his arms. He didn't believe Cartman one bit that he didn't like Butters.

"Whatis it some kind of prank on Butters?"He asked holding up the picture.

"No!"Cartman said turning red with anger " I couldn't ever do that to him!"

Kyle looked as confused as Cartman felt. He didn't know why but ever since Butters had been brutally beaten Cartman didn't feel like it was right to hurt Butters. He had come to realize how much Butters meant to him.

"Cartman?"Kyle said getting Cartman out of his thoughts " If you don't like him then what is the deal?"
"I-I-I..."Cartman trailed off, he didn't want to answer

"What is it about," Kyle asked him.

"I..."Cartman sighed. He thought for a moment though about Butters, and a small smile crept onto his face.
"Well?"Kyle said  

"I think I love him,"Cartman said quickly and blushed. It felt good to say those words, as if a curse that the was burden with was lifted. He realized then and there that he loved Butters and would do anything for him.

Kyle's eyes widened a bit then he grinned slightly "I always had that suspicion," He admitted.

Cartman's eyes widened "What?! No way dirty Jew, r-really?"

"Don't belittle my people fatass!" Kyle yelled "And yes I always thought so."

Cartman at first looked angry but then confused. Kyle wasn't laughing at him and in fact he was being accepting. Cartman had no idea if he was gay or any of that shit. He just knew that over the past few months he'd fallen in love with his best friend.

"Kahl?"Cartman said  

"Yes?" Kyle asked  

"You better not to tell any of the others."Cartman said looking down at his feet.

"Promise," Kyle lied

"You're lying you dirty J-O-O!"

"Of course not!" Kyle said, he and Stan had suspicions on Cartman's love life for awhile now, and he desperately needed to tell him that they were right. 

"And it's not J-O-O!"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is." Cartman said, glad that he could change the topic so easily.

"It's Jew not J-J-" Kyle got caught off, the bell signaling that class starts could be heard, even from the boys bathroom. Cartman went to class a little after Kyle got there. He satin his regular desk and started twiddling his thumbs. He knew Kyle was going to tell everyone he loved Butters.Kyle never liked him in fact he hated him. Cartman gave Kyle a dirty look and flipped him off when the teacher wasn't looking. Butters had seen Cartman do this and giggled . Cartman blushed and smiled a little. Butters was always by Cartman's side. He didn't want Butters to know but at the same time , that's all he wanted Butters to know. Cartman took out a piece of paper and wrote a message before passing it to Butters.

Butters read the message, it read:

I love you Butters


Butters smiled at that, then took out a piece of paper and wrote:

You're my best friend on the entire world Eric!
: - D XOXO Butters

Then he told the kid next to him to pass it to Cartman.

Cartman frowned at the message . Butters clearly thought he had meant just as friends. He couldn't help but feel a little insulted at the xoxo at the bottom. Cartman knew Butters was straight despite being a pussy. He wouldn't ever feel the same way Cartman felt for him. True , Butters did know that Cartman had a tendency to like boys but never him. Cartman chewed on his pencil and thought.
What am I going to do? He thought Butters dosen't like me, he can't , no I don't know that for sure I'll just ask him after class if he likes anyone , yeah I'm so smart.
Butters glanced over at Cartman and smiled . Cartman didn't see him, he was too proud of his idea and to busy thinking of all the possibilities that could happen if he asked Butters if heliked him. After a while the bell finally rang. Cartman jumped out of his desk and walked over to Butters. He smiled faintly at seeing the blonde's blue eyes catch the light.

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