Chapter 1: The Red Crayon

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It was the eleventh month of first grade. All the children were now used to school like they have been going there forever. Most of the kids had mad friends with each other and no one really disliked anybody. Though to some that was a exception. Eric Cartman didn't really like anybody, he thought everyone in his school were jerks. Though he wasn't the nicest person out there.

Cartman was spoiled and fat and thought he was better than everyone else. He would throw temper tantrums for no reason in particular and hate on other students. Especially the red haired little Jew. Cartman also hated the little blonde boy named Butters Stotch. He didn't have a reason why but something about the boy annoyed him. Butters was always so nice and it seemed obnoxious to Eric. Though it wasn't like Butters didn't feel the same. Butters hated Eric too. He thought the brunette was mean and deserved to be punished. Butters and Eric always got into little kid fists fights. Though Butters never really won because he was a lot weaker than Eric.

On one day in particular, Eric was coloring his picture of a rocket ship and he realized that he didn't have a red crayon. How could he finish his rocket without a red crayon? Eric got off his chair and waddled over to the table where Butters was. He saw that Butters was using a red crayon and Eric grabbed it out of his hand.

"Hey!" Butters whined. "That's mine!"

"Nu uh!" Eric said sticking out his tongue.

"Give it back Eric!" Butters said standing up.

"No Buttface!" Eric teased waving the crayon in the air.

"It's Butters, my name is Butters!" Butters said tearing up.

"Aw are you gonna cry?" Eric laughed.

Butters grabbed the box of crayons and hit Eric in the face with it. Eric started to cry and his cheek began to bleed. Butters was put in time out and he had to clean the box of crayons up. Eric was watching Butters pouting in the corner The teacher was calling his parents and he was going to get it. Eric couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Though he knew it was Butters fault, he admitted to maybe being somewhat responsible. Eric walked over to Butters with his picture and the crayon in his hands.

"Hey, you wanna color with me?" Eric asked.

"No!" Butters said looking up at him.

"Come on it's your fault!" Eric retorted.

"No its not and now I'm going to get in trouble by my daddy," Butters cried.

"Don't cry," Eric sighed "Just color with me,"

"Okay," Butters finally gave in.Eric sat next to Butters and the two colored the rest of the picture together.

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