Chapter One

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The sound of rain pattering on the top of the rustic yellow Volkswagen Bug, repetitive and quick echoed inside the vehicle. New York City's skyline was consumed in cloud cover, grey mist surrounded the skyscrapers that reached to touch the thinning atmosphere. People chiming about, noisy and kept moved about the damp city streets with their heads tucked into their jackets. Even the people seemed to be consumed in the damp, soggy, grey wisps of air. Their breath showed white in the cool humid November air, though no one seemed to be effected, they walked the same. The only thing that showed the cold chill on peoples neck was their clothing, wool jackets shrouding people in warmth.
Emma watched with mild interest as a mother probably in her early to mid thirties, with her arm around a small child raced across a street. The normal honking of New York taxi cabs escalated momentarily then subsided once more. The mother with her dark hair tucked back into a burgundy colored beanie bent down and held her face only a few inches from the child. The child male, had the same icy blue colored eyes as his mother and he tilted his nose up at her. His cheeks were bright pink, and the puffing of white air was more rapid now. After a few moments the mother straightened herself, took the child's hand in her own and they went on their way. Emma felt a longing sensation thicken in her chest as she watched the pair. She pulled at a thick holy covering, trying to warm herself best she could. But the car seemed to act almost as a cooler, only keep the cool air locked inside.
Looking down at her watch it read, four twenty seven in the afternoon. "Damn it!" Emma exclaimed throwing off her blanket. Looking into her car's mirror her green eyes looked back at her, they seemed to hold the same expression in them that they had since she had got out of Juvy. Pain. Unconcealed, and obvious. She'd spent so much time in thought that she had lost track of time and was now running late.
Throwing open the car door, Emma pulled at her hair trying to straighten her long blonde locks. The restaurant she was applying at was just across the street, although she would be on time, she looked like a street urchin. Which in any case was exactly what she was.
Walking in she was pulling subconsciously at her clothes, Emma couldn't help but feel the hot stares of people on her. When she had come in yesterday to hand in the application the same had occurred but she had pushed it to the back of her brain. Suddenly someone appeared and blocked her path. It was the manager, she understood immediately due to the name tag. The woman wore an irritated expression as she looked upon Emma. Her greasy blonde hair, ratty and unwashed clothes had to be less than appealing. "You're actually back for an interview." her voice derisive.
Rather than responding, Emma stood there allowing the words to bathe her. The woman was trying to provoke her, get her to do something, react. She refused to give her that satisfaction, Emma knew now that she stood no chance of obtaining a job.
"I've seen your record. There's no chance in hell that you will ever get hired here."
Emma narrowed her cat green eyes, a stinging sensation spread throughout her chest at the words the woman had said. Spreading like wild fire, sending a burning sensation throughout her lungs. Her fist tightened at her side, her muscles flexing subconsciously, clenching her jaw Emma made the decision to turn around. She wasn't completely sure if she did speak that she could control what came out. Distantly in a blur of noise, the manager was continuing to speak to her. Probably even following her for a few steps, but Emma didn't turn back, not even with the slightest glance to gaze at the woman. Rather with great determination and focus she found her way back to her car. 
It was one more failed attempt to obtain a job, all anyone had to do is take one look at her record then they'd dismiss her under a rug. Sitting in the drivers seat of the car, Emma pressed her head on the grimy window, her mind lost in what had happened last year.
~ ~ ~
Without meaning to she had drifted to sleep, when she opened her eyes the world around her had gone dark. The lights of the city illuminated the still crowded streets, the concrete colored with a rainbow assortment of colors. Noise, music, blaring, filled the New York City streets now. "It really lives up to it's name..." Emma muttered hopping out of her car. She couldn't help but feel pulled to one of the many clubs of New York tonight. The idea of drowning out the memories of not only what happen today, but in the past year sounded more appealing tonight than it had yesterday. Before she had even made up her mind, her feet began to move, pulling her to a bar called The Jolly Roger.
On the outside there was no bouncer that would send Emma away, to tell her no hoodlums like her would be aloud in such a place. It probably spoke volumes about what the place was like on it's interior. When she stepped in, it wasn't anything like it looked on the outside. Music blared from a DJ in the far corner, while lights that hung on the ceiling above flashed the grinding bodies in an exposition of colors. But despite the typical display of a club, the place had an ambience all of it's own. Her eyes skimmed the area, searching for an open bar. Off on the right side of the establishment stood a man, he had dark ebony hair, piercing blue eyes that you could even see from the other side of the place. As she stared at him, the scene slowed around her, everything became a blur. The man with dark scruff on his jaw, was surrounded by a group of scantily dressed women, he smiled as he wiped the bar clean.
Eventually after several seconds, minutes, Emma had no clue how long the mans haunting ice blue eyes caught her own. She was quick to look away, as heat began to prickle her cheeks, Emma pushed past her own impulses to avoid the bar now and went to get that drink she craved. Once there the man still occupied himself with the flock of women, as Emma awaited his attention. After a few minutes of his ignorance, Emma's already low patience peaked. "HELLO!" She shouted loudly over the blaring beat of the bass. Finally his eyes regarded her once more, a sly smile worked over his features as he walked over to her. The women who he'd been speaking to, looked at her with mile disgust and began whispering remarks to one another. His eyes went over her, taking in her dress, and then his eyes stayed on her face. His grin widened, "What?" Emma responded irately.
"What can I get for you," He grin widened so that it was a full on smile, "love?" The man said ignoring her question.
Emma huffed frustrated. "I don't care. Just make it strong." He looked mildly intrigued at her comment, his smile went back to a casual smug grin as he turned around and pulled out rum. Emma raised herself by applying pressure to the side of her stool to see him pour her a small amount. She arched an eyebrow, "More." Emma commanded. Rather than questioning her, he reopened the bottle and poured her a bit more.
He placed the glass with honey brown liquid in front of her. "My personal favorite." He said winking. Emma raised the glass to her lips and was able to finish it's contents in a few hard swallows. The liquid caused a slight burning sensation in her throat. "I haven't seen you here before." The dark haired man noted.
"Thats because I haven't been here before." Emma responded with an almost sarcastic undertone. He stared at her for a long moment, she felt her face warm under his stare. She cleared her throat, "You can go back to what you were doing."
At that his smirk widened. "No. I'm far more interested you." His accent, rich she could tell was something of it's own almost Irish but hints of Brit in it. "It's not every night that I have a woman come in here and swallow a man's serving of Rum in a gulp."
Emma couldn't help but smile. "So I've impressed you."
"What's your name lass?" He questioned resting his weight on the back of the bar, his hand gripped the surface, his left hand though missing was replaced by a hook.
"Last name?" He continued to question.
This time Emma was hesitant to respond. "Emma. Emma Swan."
He smiled when he heard the last name. "Swan." He repeated. "Well Swan, what brings you into my pub?"
She raised her eyebrows in question, "This is not your bar." Emma stated skeptically.
He now removed himself from where he stood, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry to inform you love, The Jolly Roger is my bar." He paused. "Now tell me love, what troubles you?"
"Who says I'm troubled?" Emma responded.
"You downed a lot of rum, I've seen a lot of people pass through my bar. I know what troubled looks like."
Finally relenting. "I can't nail down a job, people take one look at my record and the door shuts."
He went quiet for a moment, his expression contemplative. "You could work here."
Emma smiled thinking that he was joking, then when his expression remained serious, she realized the offer was genuine. "I don't fit in, these are the only clothes I own. Your kidding."
"Come by here around noon and we can work on that." He said, before Emma had the chance to protest further he was already walking away.
"I don't even know your name!" She shouted at his back.
He turned with the same smirk he had on when he'd first come over. "Killian! Killian Jones! But most people know me by my more colorful moniker, Hook!"

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