Chapter Seven

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"Killian!!!" Emma shouted. She was already running late to run errands and now she couldn't find the keys to the bug. Which she was sure was not her fault due to the fact, she always left them in the same place. If she hoped to get back and make dinner before the bar opened, she needed to leave within the next few seconds.
    He raced into her room. "What's wrong?"
    "My keys... Where are they?" Her tone mildly annoyed.
    He immediately looked relieved and grinned. "I don't know but the grocery store is within walking distance... You could just walk there like a normal New Yorker. It actually probably be faster."
    She gave him a stern look. "Your doing this on purpose." Emma said accusingly as she picked up her purse. "Forcing me to expand my horizons and walk."
    He looked down at her now, his lips only a few inches from hers. "Something like that. But I honestly don't know where your keys are." At that they kissed, it was a quick peck of lips as she turned out of the door.
        "I'll get you back for this!"

    The store was only a few blocks away, but Emma couldn't help but stare longingly at her Volkswagen, her prized position and subconsciously her hand touched the key chain Neal got her. As she walked, Emma couldn't help but feel the street was unusually desolate. The hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end. The sun was just beginning to set allowed the night sky to peek out only added to this unease. Then she heard footsteps, ones that followed her path and pace. The story from the other night raced in her mind, her words truthful as they were had put Killian at ease but she was honestly still coming to terms with the revelation. Right as she turned on her heel to face the person she was slammed into an alley way. "What the hell!" She exclaimed.
    "You've got fire." A voice chirped.
    Emma narrowed her eyes. An older man, fading brown hair and matching brown eyes looked upon her with a group of well built men, one of whom, was the man who'd made a pass that night. The one whom Killian named as one of the Dark One's men. "Your him. Rumplestilskin, the Dark One."
    The man took delight in this, smiling. Emma though wanted to punch him, wipe that smug grin of his face, but the man who held her back, had her pinned in a way that she could squirm free. "You have nothing to gain from me. I won't give you anything."
    Rumple edged closer. "If you won't give, I can take." He looked at the man from the bar. "One of my men has an unsettled score with you... I could allow him to settle it. I can see why you draw his and Hook's affection."
    Emma felt bile building at her stomach at the guys consummatory gaze. "I don't care what you do to me. Do your worst."
    The man approached, but Rumple held out a hand to stop him. "I'd heard that you were quite a tough woman Ms. Swan... But even the toughest have their weak spots." The man who'd been holding her back let off of her now. "It seems in my digging on you I came across a common acquaintance. I think you know him quite well by the name of... Neal. Neal Cassidy, correct?"
    Emma lost all of her resolve at that name and staggered back. "How do you... How do you know him?"
    "Turns out, though you also have a child. What if I were to tell you, that I know exactly where he resides and that my men on my cue will kill him?" Emma was frozen to where she stood watching the parade of things she kept buried dangled in front of her. Rumple knew he had her corner, the second he mention her child, he knew that.
    "What. Do. You. Want?" Emma annunciated each word with great precision.
        "You want to know my relationship with Neal, well Emma, he's my son."
    "Then you wouldn't dare kid, because he's your grandchild." Emma tried to put confidence in her words but she was too startled by all of this, all of the unseen connections.
        "I think your putting to much faith in the human code. Ms. Swan your.. Kid is leverage to get you to join my group thats it. I could care less if we share some of the same DNA. I will offer you a chance of retribution with my Son."
        "Ms. Swan I want an answer by the end of the night. If you refuse, your son will be dead by sun up. And Killian too. Just for fun."
    The group was moving to leave. "How am I suppose to let you know if I'll take the deal?"
    Rumple turned to look at her. "Come back here." He paused as he stared at her almost as if he was weighing options in his mind. "Those keys you were looking for," He pulled them out and threw them at her. "I had them. I need to get you on your own. Which, was difficult with those."

~    ~    ~
    When Emma returned back to the Jolly Roger, she hadn't bother to actually go to the store, rather she turned around. She could barley concentrate, every second felt like a death sentence. There had to be another choice, there was always another option. Emma had considered not even telling Killian, she knew how badly it'd worry him. "KILLIAN!"
    He raced down stairs, the first thing he noticed was the fact she held her keys firmly in her hand. Killian smiled warmly, "I see you found your keys, told you I didn't have them.".
        "No you didn't. Rumple did."
    At that everything else seemed to go completely quite as his expression turned serious. "What did you say?"
        "Killian, he had my keys. He gave me an ultimatum as well."
    The worry she saw in his eyes cut her like a blade. "What was it?"
    Emma was shaking, and as much as she tried to stop, it only got worse. He noticed, wrapped his leather covered arms around her as means to stabilize her. "He'll kill the child I had. They found him and they'll kill him come sun up if I don't accept tonight." Tears now fell from her eyes. She pulled back from him now, "I don't have another option... I have to join him. I have to do what he wants. I can risk him dying, I can't."
    "Swan there has to be another way." Killian said his expression sympathetic.
        "There's not. Or at least there's not enough time to think of one. I have to accept."
    "Please Emma. Listen to me, this isn't a good idea." He placed his hand on her wrist softly with slight strokes of his thumb urging her to listen to him.
        "Then tell me what to do?! If you have any better ideas, please share! Because right now theres only one way to protect him."
    "But Emma please think about what he'll have you do." Killian was begging her now to reconsider, she could hear it in his voice.
    "I don't care. So long as the people I love are safe. I. Don't. Care." With that Emma threw her keys onto the counter.

~    ~    ~
    As Emma stood in the empty dark alley way, her thoughts consumed her. She slid down the side of one of the buildings, almost becoming rubble there. "So you decided to join me?" Rumple's voice boomed from the entry way, his voice gloating.
    Emma was tempted to spit on him, and use every expletive in her vocabulary in her response, but somehow manage to bite her tung and hold her temper. "You didn't leave me any other choice." She responded her tone spiteful, as she stood up.
    "Now, now. Remember you also get something out of this." Rumple said with the wave of his finger as two of his men loomed a few feet behind. "Now did your lover mention the inanition process?"
    Emma watched as one of the men pulled a spike an emblem placed at it's end. "No." She responded simply.
    He took the object from the man and from this distance Emma could feel the heat reverberating off of it. "Normally, we would do this in a more secluded location but I'm afraid I'm a bit pressed for time. Now Emma, be a good girl lift up your shirt and, try not to scream?"
    Uneasily she lifted her shirt and bit her lip, preparing for the searing pain of the hot metal on her skin. The placed it on her shoulder blade, frying it to a crisp. Somehow she manage to stifle her scream, but tears formed and fell. Once they were done, Emma had to clutch the wall in order to remain on her feet. Rumple bent on eye level.
    "You may be the only person to not scream. It's amazing that your even conscious after that. The rest of your inanition will be tomorrow. Rest up." He slapped her where the metal had been, causing her to gasp in pain. Within seconds he was gone. And all she could think was that she had been branded. Like she was cattle, and she was his cattle. Emma tried to pull herself together, but the pain was nearly too much and she fell unconscious.

Author's Note:
Hey guys!!! I'm still recovering from last nights episode, the pain of what Killian said and how he acted. Hopefully things will get a bit calmer soon... Anyways next chapter theres a taco scene... So yeah!! Have a great week! Don't forget to comment and vote!!

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