Chapter Ten

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Emma and Killian sat in the closed Jolly Roger, awaiting the arrival of Rumple and his muscle. "How late is it?" She asked turning on one of the stools to look at him standing behind the counter making two drinks.
"Eleven thirty."
"This can't be good for business to be constantly closing early or not opening." Emma said nervously, pushing what was really bothering her to the back of her mind. She began fiddling with the front pocket of her black leather leggings, her shirt also black was skin tight and low cut, exposing a lot of cleavage. But she took comfort in her newest accessory, a burgundy colored leather jacket. Killian had helped her pick out everything, telling her that they'd make her change if she didn't start looking the part. They would want her to wear black so that she would be inconspicuous and still sexy.
Killian slid her a glass with a large serving of rum. Then went around the side of the bar so he could stand behind her placing his hand on her shoulders and giving her a massage. He bent down so that he was whispering in her ear, "It doesn't effect business. Well.." He amended taking a step away from her and sitting in the stool to her right. "Not too badly."
"I'm sorry, it's my fault. This all started-"
"Swan don't you dare finished that statement. You had no more control in what happened than I did. If anyone's to blame, it would be the Dark One."
The door to the bar flew open. "Did I hear my name?" Rumple asked in a sing-song voice as sauntered into the room followed by only one of his men this time.
"What was it I heard about saying a name too many times..." Emma mumbled, and Killian had heard it and snickered. Emma took her drink and guzzled it. When Killian raised one of his arched eyebrows she added, "I'm gonna need that in order to deal with him.".
Rumple now was standing in the same room and she jumped up from the stool, she stood a few inches taller due to three inch black heels attached to her feet. "Ms. Swan... Thats quite a look change. I'm guessing Killian helped with picking it out?" His eyes briefly went over him, and then solely regarded her once more.
"Everything except the jacket. It's my personal touch." Killian stood up as Emma spoke.
"How's the imprint?" Rumple said cooly, with a slight tone underneath as if he were enjoying it.
She had to resist her urge to react to the comment, it had blistered and the pain was still unbearable, him being callus as he was when the pain had sent her in shock and unconscious made her want to punch him. Emma looked down at Killian's hand which was now clutched into a fist, no good would come from him punching Rumple, so Emma slid her hand to touch his and he responded by taking it. "It's fine. What's next?" She changed the subject, no need to focus on the pain, it only made it hurt worse.
"To the point, I like it. If you truly wish to keep him out of it though, he can-. Actually..." Rumple paused as if he'd changed his mind. "He can watch this next part."
"What do you want me to do?"
Rumple smirked. He moved so that they both had a better view of his muscle. He was dressed normally, black t-shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. He had brown hair and green eyes, a striking and unusual combination, but she could tell he was meant to make Killian jealous. "I want you to seduce and- sleep with him. To consummate our new... partnership."
At this Killian let go of her hand and right as he moved his hand to punch him, faster than the eye could see Emma moved between them and caught his fist. "Killian, don't." She let go of his hand, and turned to look at Rumple. "Why not have me sleep with you, if I am consummating our partnership?"
Rumple looked taken back by this, "I'm afraid that's not an option.".
Now Killian pushed in front of her, "Then let me ask you this, if I were to join right here, right now, would I be an option?".
"No! That's exactly what he wants-"
"Yes. You've already been through the inanition process, and you know what will happen if you try to leave again." Rumple seem to say this with relish, his grin at least a mile wide.
"Then I am back in."
"What will happen to if you- if he tries to leave again?" Emma said pulling on Killian's leather covered arm.
"I get to kill him."
Emma visibly staggered back. "No. Please. Don't do this."
"Too late, I'm afraid." Rumple began. "Now, Ms.Swan you know what your suppose to do. Do it."                   
She turned to face Killian. He gave her a small supportive smile, which she didn't respond to her, rage filled her ears. Her expression stern. Emma took off her red leather jacket and threw it harshly on the wooden bar floor. She took her hands and clutched her hands tightly in his shirt until they made fists and pulled in opposite directs, and took pleasure in the RIPPP of the fabric as it ripped in half and cascaded to the floor in black ribbons. Then with no warning, she kissed him hard on the lips. Pushing him backwards into a wall and then took her hand and slowly edged it up the underside of his thigh just stoping before she reached his junk which was already erect. Emma moved quickly from his lips to his neck placing kisses on his neck. Suddenly Emma felt two hands on her sides, she didn't jump but rather with a confused look turned to see the guy Rumple had brought his breath heavy on her neck. Killian responded before she'd fully taken in what was going on and punched the guy clear in the face, knocking him unconscious with the single blow. "What the hell?" Emma asked angrily turning to look at Rumple.
He only smiled at her, "He did that, of his own accord Ms. Swan. I feel your quite adept."
Emma did a mock curtsey went over to her jacket swiped it up and slid it back on. "What's next?"
"You and Killian are quite an interesting team... Let's see exactly how well you work together."
"May I go get another shirt first?"
At this Emma grinned inwardly as he awkwardly stood there shirtless. "No need to be bashful Hook. Now, theres a store owner a few shops down, he owes me a debt of a good ten grand but he has his own muscle. I need you to go down there and collect. No killing, just scare him. Do it tonight."
"Your kidding, there's no way we could take on a group." Killian said doubtfully.
She rather shrugged and pulled out her hand gun and click off its safety. "I don't know... If we both have a gun... I think we could." Emma grinned.
"You don't have a choice anyway. Killian you know how to get a hold of me when it's done." With that Rumple left the bar.

~ ~ ~
"Swan talk to me." Killian begged running to catch up to her, Emma was speed walking in order to avoid conversation. She was in black combat boots now, in means for speed and comfort, as cute as a pair of heels may be, they were never worth the pain. In any case they were only a few blocks away, and her temper was flaring, she was itching to knock a few heads together.
"You'll have to at some point."
Emma arched an eyebrow and sped up her pace once more. Killian grunted as he struggled to keep up.
"Swan please." He grabbed her arm, pulling her to stop. She stared angrily at where he was holding her.
"Let go." Emma seemed like a bomb ready to go off at any moment, her words dangerous.
"No. Not until we talk."
Her eyes widened with anger. She threw her arm out of his grip. "You want to talk?! Okay how about you doing exactly what I had asked you not to. Just because you were jealous. Rumple set up a trap, WHICH YOU FELL INTO. You gave him exactly what he wanted."
"I'm sorry if I don't feel comfortable with you going in this alone. Can't you see that I'm trying to protect you?" Killian said now his nostrils flaring, he too now was getting angry.
Emma forced a laugh, angry. "Oh no, don't pretend your doing this out of any nobility. Your doing this because you were insecure about me sleeping with someone else. What you did was completely selfish. Please don't try to pretend otherwise!" Her tone was almost shrill now.
"That's not fair."
"Look I- we don't have time for this right now. We can finish this conversation later." At that Emma returned to walking in silence toward the shop.
Killian though didn't like the silence, it only made the situation worse. He wanted to get everything out in the open now, he felt like the tension in the air was like a blade slowly cutting at him. When they'd finally arrived, Killian almost could feel the tension pressing on his lungs making it harder to breathe.
Emma bursted in without a second glance at him, the jingle of a bell went off as they passed through the door of a dimly lit gas station. It wasn't really a shop, Killian noted absently. There was a procedure for these types of things, but Emma obviously wasn't going to ask him about something like that right now. "WHO OWES THE DARK ONE MONEY!" She shouted. At any other time he would've snickered at how ridiculous the way she was acting was, and how even more ridiculous that had sounded. He had decided thought to follow her head strong lead.
A man with a stomach that would enter a room before him, moved to stand in front of them both, his bald head shining under the yellow lights. He was short standing a few inches below Emma, in a red shirt and blue jeans. "I would guess that would be me. This... though is not Rumple's typical style."
Emma made her eyebrows jump in what seemed annoyance. In a movement quicker than the eye could catch she pulled out her gun and fired it, a glass tip jar shattered on the counter behind the man the sound of coins scattering with the broken glass filled the store. His eyes flew wide. "Oops." Emma said mockingly, a crazed smile forming on her lips. "And I'm not one of Rumple's typical block heads."
The man though already had a group of men surrounding him, they'd probably been lingering in the aisles just waiting for something like a gun shot. There were at least five of them. "Theres a reason for his protocol. I know from experience." Damn. Killian thought as he observed that they all were carrying guns themselves.
Emma tilted her head back towards him just a bit so their eyes could meet, he could see as good as she covered it, there was just a bit of panic behind her eyes. There wasn't enough time for him to think of anything to get the both of them out of here safely. "I could just shoot you, you know. Your guys could shoot me after, but you'd already be dead." Her voice came out cool and calm, not like the mad woman she'd been before but concise.
"Are you really willing to risk that? You'd die." Despite what the man said, his voice wavered a bit as he talked.
Emma's eyes went over the photos behind the counter. "You have a family Brady. People who care about you, do you want to hurt them too?"
Killian looked over the area, curious to how Emma knew his name, then he stared more intently at the mans shirt to see the name written on the left corner. Brady, visibly seemed to be at great unease, he gulped. "And you?" He said uneasily. "This man behind you seems to care deeply for you... I wonder if that feeling is mutual." From where Killian stood he couldn't see Emma's face but he watched as the mans demeanor changed. The man figured out Emma's weak spot, found his leverage and was prepared to use it. Things were not going according to plan.
Then, suddenly, the loud bang of gun shots sounded. Emma still stood but each of Brady's men lay on the ground cradling their flesh wounds, non fatal. "You stand alone. Now, I won't be as nice as I was to your men, to you. Especially after that threat. Anyone" Her tone became almost vicious, "who threatens the people care about are writing their own death sentence.".

Author's note: Hey guys!!! I hope you all liked this chapter, happy holidays yall! Safe travels, and i hope you have a good time w/your love ones! Decided to post a bit sooner than normal.  Mwah!

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