Chapter Four

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The first thing Emma heard that next morning was the crash of glass breaking downstairs. Sending her eyes flying open, and her body in high alert. Emma could hear the sound of several voices downstairs, shouting and angry, and then she heard Killian's unusually panicked. "No one else is here." She heard him say and she realized that he was trying to protect her. Him saying it that loud was his way to let her know to run and get out of here. Normally, she would; but something in her wouldn't let her this time. Emma went to her closet dug into a box and pulled out a hand gun, her hand gun. It fit her hand perfectly as she crept down the steps, careful to be soundless and unseen. When she was halfway down, she could finally see what was going on.
    Killian stood being the bar, his arms up above his head defensively as the men from a few weeks back stood together. After what had happened, he'd banned them from the bar and they'd shown a few times since then, but Emma couldn't have ever imagined this. "Where's the bar wench?" One snarled, and it was the man she'd nearly knocked unconscious.
    This Killian seemed to take personal offense too, his face contorting into a menacing glare, "If she's a wench, I guess that would make you street scum." He smirked as he finished the retort, but only seconds later the man served him hard blow into the stomach. Killian fell back some, his grin faltered, but he still held that same arrogance.
    "If she's not here, I guess were going to have to have some fun with you, you thin smug bastard." The men began to simultaneously crack their knuckles like something out of a bad gang movie, with that Emma finally click her gun and aimed at one of the glasses between them and Killian and fired. It caused the glass to shatter and everyone to take cover. Everyone that is, except for Killian. He looked at her in shock, then with something of proud, pleased look.
    "The next shot will be at one of your heads if you don't get the hell out of this bar." Emma said angrily, still holding the gun firmly. This was not new to her, she'd got herself this gun the second she got out of juvy, deciding she needed some means other than her fists to protect herself.
    All of the men scattered like mice, except for the one whom punched Killian and had slapped her a few weeks back. "This.", He began with such vehemence that she almost thought the glasses were shaking in the cabinets, "Isn't over.". With that he turned and walked out, Emma moved the gun to follow him until the door shut behind him.
    Her eyes were still on the door, when she heard Killian crash to the floor with a solid thud. This caused Emma to spring into action, running to him. He smiled as she kneeled on the floor next to where he rested, his breathing regular. "Your an idiot." She said as she lifted up his shirt to see an already black and blue bruise forming.
    Killian let out a pithy laugh, "And your stubborn. You didn't take my hint that you should get out of here." Emma touched his rib caged, causing him to jump in pain. "Ooh that hurts.".
    "Thats because he probably broke your ribcage due to you being such a smart arrogant ass." She said smirking, letting his shirt fall back down to cover his lean muscular stomach.
        "This smart arrogant ass, just defended you."
    Emma almost fully smiled. "Yeah. Thanks for that. But next time, don't put yourself in harms way."
    His eyes caught her own. "Careful Swan, it almost sounded like you care about me."
        "I do..."
    Now he arched an eyebrow, smirking that same sensual arrogant smile he always wore around her. "You do what Swan?"
    She huffed a bit irritated at the fact he was going to make her say it. "I do care about you."
    The silence that filled the air for a few moments, Emma got up and moved away from him, she hated how he made her feel. Hated how out of control she felt when she was with him, like the fact that she had let those words slip. Now she wanted to distance herself again, get away from this vulnerability. Right as she was about to go up the stairs, she felt his hand steer her to face him. "I shouldn't have said that..." Emma said her heart racing like a horse in her ears.
    "Why do you do that?" He asked his tone almost desperate.
        "Do what?"
        "Keep pulling away. Every time you take a step closer to me, you go running back away."
    Emma opened her mouth, she wasn't use to him getting irritated with her. "I'm- It's not a good idea. The last- You know what never mind."
    This time when Emma turned around, Killian went around her and stood in her way going the rest up the steps. "The last time what? You about told me once Swan, haven't you learned yet that you can trust me?"
    "I want to... I do. The last time I trusted someone like.. like I trust you got me in juvy and pregnant. So I'm sorry if it takes me a second to put myself in harms way AGAIN." At that she shoved past him and rushed up the steps, she could hear him rushing behind her.
    He was able to get in her way once more, standing in her doorway, understanding splayed across his face. Killian put his arms on her arms, "Know this Swan, I would never hurt you like that. I'd never abandon you like that."
    Emma stared at him for a moment, her eyes searching his, and she could tell he meant what he said, that he had no intention of ever hurting her. She edged slowly towards him, and her hands searching his dark hair feeling it's corse strands between her finger tips. The hard press of not only their lips against each other, but the hard clash of tung. When they finally pulled apart both of them were nearly out of breath. "I uh. Can I get into my room?"
    He moved aside. Emma pushed passed him, "Swan, that was..."
    She grinned, her back turned to him. "I know." Now she turned to face him.

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