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[Warning: Short but interesting chapter ahead]

I go to the detention room right after school. I'm just in time to run into Brandon and Preston going in. I stop both of them.

"Vikk! You got in trouble too?" Brandon asks. I shake my head.

"I wanted to come see you guys. And I guess I forgive you, Preston." Preston smiles at me, and I quickly hug him. Brandon raises an eyebrow.

"What'd he do?"

I hold out my mask I've been hugging close to me so no one sees it. Brandon gasps and looks over at Preston. Jerome comes over to the door to see what's happening. He grabs both of them and drags them into the room.

"Bye Vikk!" They all sing. They seem oddly excited to be going into detention, but I guess I shouldn't question it. I have other things to worry about. I catch sight of Lachlan somewhere near the front of the campus and follow him. Is this a bad idea?

I speed walk to catch up with him. On the way, he stops to talk to someone, a girl, who stops him. Lachlan eventually pushes her away, though, and continues to walk. I wonder where he's going, actually. All I'm doing is following him; I don't know where he's headed. Maybe he doesn't know either. I find us in the park, and he sits down against a tree-the one I was hiding behind a couple days ago. I put on my mask.

"Lachlan?" I say. He immediately looks up at me, his jaws dropped.

"It's you." I wave and sit down next to him. "Are you really... like..."


"I guess. Are you?" I shrug.

"I'm as real as I can be," I tell him. He smiles and pulls me into a hug. He tries to say something, but it seems like he can't. "Why did you believe Mat?"

"I don't know. I was desperate, I guess. I just wanted to see you again." I pull away a bit from the hug and his nose is against mine [How is this mask shaped?! I dunno]. Lachlan reaches up and touches the bottom of the mask. I let him take it off, and he leans in to kiss me.

"It is you," He whispers after he pulls away. "Jerome wasn't lying?"

"He wasn't." Lachlan smiles at me.

"You really are something, y'know," He tells me. I hug him again.

"You are too.

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