Chapter 14

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"Vikk! Vikk!" Someone calls as I walk through the halls. I turn around and am greeted by Rob and Brandon.


"Vikk!" Rob screams in my face. I shove him away.

"What?" They grin at me.

"Sorry, got carried away there. Guess what?" Rob says.

"Chicken butt?" Brandon puts his face in his hands.

"Nope, we have another plan," He tells me. I half smile.

"Will half of our team betray us in the middle of it again?" I ask. Rob covers his face, and Brandon puts an arm around him, shaking his finger scoldingly at me with his other arm.

"Of course not. We won't, at least, and I'm pretty sure Jerome was upset about this too; he wouldn't do anything," Rob says.

"Then let's do it! What's the plan?" They smirk at each other, and I catch myself worrying about this.

"Well, we're going to get Jerome to get Lachlan to talk to you two and hear the truth. He probably won't believe us, and then Jerome'll show him some proof I got, which you'll be able to see then, and you'll talk to Mitch and Preston and Mat and get them to come talk to us," Rob explains. I blink.

"What the hell?"

"Alright, let's do this again," Brandon sighs. "Jerome tells Lachlan to talk to you two. He won't believe you. Jerome shows him a picture I got this morning, and he'll probably believe you two then. When you two are both happy and well, you bring Mitch, Preston, and Mat-"

"Who's Mat?" I ask.

"The boy," Rob answers. I guess I could've figured that out.

"Okay, sorry. Continue," I tell Brandon. He makes an upset face and does.

"You get the three of them to come talk to Jerome, Rob and I. We all become friends, life becomes good, and we all live happily ever after until the sun dies and all of mankind is destroyed."

"I get it now." They breathe a sigh of relief. "So when does this plan begin?"

"In approximately 2 minutes," Brandon replies.

"What? Why?"

"You're supposed to be in the bathroom right now, but we took too long explaining. Hurry! Let's go!" Rob starts running with me to the bathroom; Brandon doesn't join us though. "Just you and Jerome are going to be talking to him, so make it good!"

"No guarantees," I say, "but I'll try."

"That's good enough. Now go into a stall and sit with your legs crossed on it."


"Will you stop questioning every god damn thing? So he doesn't see you in any way, although I guess he wouldn't care if someone was in the bathroom, I guess. Now go!" I go into a stall and do as I was told. I hear the bathroom door open. Must be Rob leaving. A while later-probably the 2 minutes, but hell, it felt like 2 hours-the door opens again.

"Vikk? Are you in there?" Jerome says quietly. I respond with a yeah. "Okay, good. Lachlan's on his way, I think."

"How's the weather out there?"

"Pretty nice actually. A bit hot, though. I don't like that very much. How about in there?"

"A bit confined and hot as well."

"Do they have air conditioning in the bathroom?" Jerome wonders. I don't answer because I hear the door open again. "Lachlan! Hey, buddy!"

"What did you want?"

"Just to talk, y'know, about your new 'starboy.'" I can pretty much hear the air quotes he's making as he says that.

"What about him?"

"He's lying."

"I think you're lying, honestly."

"Well, I know who the real boy is, and I can certainly tell you it's not him."

"Then how come he has the mask I saw that day? I mean, that's the only real proof you can get." I hear myself gasp and immediately cover my mouth. Maybe he didn't hear it. "Who's there?"

"Focus, Lachlan!" Jerome says, trying to distract him. "That boy isn't even interested in you."

"What makes you say that?"

"This picture." There's silence for quite a while, and I'm wondering whether the two of them both fainted.

"That's a fake."

"No it's not. Look, it was taken this morning. Would I really be able to-I don't know-photoshop it this perfectly in the middle of the 2 classes we've had so far?" Again, no reply.

"I'm leaving. I don't need you telling me some more bull shit stories, thank you. You can get Mitch for that."

"If Mitch and I were still friends!"


"Stuff happened behind the scenes, Lachlan. Things you didn't know about."

"Care to fill me in?"

"You'd call it some more bullshit, won't you?"

"I won't. Unless it's completely ridiculous."

"Swear it."

"Just tell me the fucking story."

"So Mitch and I were helping the real 'starboy' that you met that night. We got him to write the note and everything, but apparently Mitch and Preston told Mat about it so that he could go in there and ruin it. All of us were in the park at the time, and he almost said something. But then here comes Mat, and we find out they betrayed us. And so everything went downhill. Stuff happened, arguing, and now I hate Mitch, and I'm sure he hates me too." Poor Jerome.

"Who's the real boy then?"

"You can come out if you want now," Jerome says, to me I'm assuming. I crack open the door and peek outside. Both of them are staring at me.

"Really, Jerome? You're ridiculous. I mean, pulling a stupid prank like this on me was bad enough but to pull him into this as well? Are you just trying to make me feel like shit or what? Look, I'm sorry something happened between you and Mitch, but that doesn't mean you have to ruin my life as well! Now, I'm going to go." Lachlan storms out of the bathroom, and Jerome doesn't bother stopping him.

"Now what?" I ask.

"We really didn't plan it'd end up like this. I have no clue. Let's just go talk to Brandon and Rob. They're in the cafeteria."

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