grayson dolan.

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this is dedicated to my girl tay_walker23 cause she's amazing. go read her books?


"stop gray, stop!" you squealed.

your best friend grayson relentlessly tickled you. he grinned at you before tickling you even harder. you had tears streaming down your red face from laughing so hard and you were gasping for breath in between your laughs and giggles.

"i will only stop if you say you love me," grayson said.

your body tensed up a little but you kept on laughing so he didn't notice. you loved grayson, you really did. but you loved guys have always been close - ever since the first day of sixth grade when he was moved away from ethan and sat next to you for the rest of the year. you and grayson quickly bonded over your mutual love for volleyball (he loved the girls) and ever since then, you guys have been inseparable. but around the first day of your eighth grade year, you started seeing him in a new light. his smile brightened your day and his laugh was music to your ears and you realized you loved him. deeply and unconditionally with all your heart.

"okay,okay. i love you. please stop, gray," you gasped. he stopped tickling you and leaned back.

"damn right you do," he smiled. your smile slowly faded and you wiped the tears off of your face. you know he loves you, you really do but he doesn't love you the way you love him and it kills you. you had to tell him, you couldn't keep it in any longer.

"gray,no. i love you," you say quietly, blushing and looking everywhere but your best friend, "like i'm in love with you. and i hate myself for it 'cause you're my best friend and you don't love me that way and -"

"taylor. stop. i do love you. i love your smile and your eyes and the way you snort when you laugh and your cute little nose and your butt," he chuckles, "and i love your hugs and the way you put others first and your voice when you sing. but most of all, i am in love you."

by the end of his confession, you were frozen. shock was a big emotion,but so was happiness and love. he loved you back and that's what mattered. making sure this was real, you subtly pinched your thigh.nope, this was real. you realize you've zoned out when grayson laughs at your expression. you quickly snapped back to reality and smiled before kissing the boy who has had your heart since the very beginning.

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