Chapter 5

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Alex's p.o.v
My heart was pounding aunt j sat down in front of Michael and I she looks at me
"Travis knows" was all she said my heart stopped I got up and walked back and forth
" what about mum is she okay " I asked and all aunt j did was cry even more I shake my head no " please no it can't he didn't right" she stood up and put her hand on my shoulder trying to calm me and so did Michael he put his hand on my wrist "Alex she's gone he ki...he killed her" my aunt spoke my body went numb and I felt like I was gonna fall Michael I saw I guess cause he grabbed my waist so I wouldn't aunt Jane sat down and grabbed her phone and called the police I went into the living room with Michael and he sat next to Luke and told him everything quietly so lux wouldn't hear lux jumped next to me and grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek "can we watch frozen sissy" I nodded my head and Michael put in the movie and she looked at me and asked me when she can see mum again right than there was a knock on the door I was so terrified of who it was and Jane looked at me and told me to take Lux upstairs and I did no questions asked.
I could hear screaming not just anyone's voice it was my dads voice and I put lux in the closet and gave her favorite stuffy and blanket and told her to stay there and be quiet my heart was pounding in my chest
I went down stairs to see the murder the man who I hate no love not one once of it Michael saw me and grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him and Ashton,calum and Luke stood by me and Michael I grabbed Luke's hand and told him to go upstairs and watch Lux he nodded my aunt and my dad were screaming
"You stupid bitch those are my daughter and ill take them if I like bitch" I couldn't hold back the angrier I started to speak my mind "you don't have a fuck right you killed mom you raped me you fucking have any right to even be alive you don't deserve to be here I am not going to let you push me around no more I'm not going to let you touch lux ever" I pulled myself out of the boys grip and I stood up to my biggest fear my father he stepped towards me and slapped me across the face really hard and than Ashton and calum lost it they beat the shit out of him until I pulled them away and the door banging started and here comes the police they forced him up and they hand cuffed him and asked a hole bunch of questions about my dead mother and my sister the abuse after they left I cried and I don't even know it's not cause of the pain in my cheek that's numb all I want to do is crawl up into the corner of the couch have Michael hold me and hold lux as tight as I can.

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