Chapter 1

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Arthur's POV
"Excuse me?" I must have heard him wrong I must have . Morgana can't be here my life was going perfect this can't be happening. I looked at Merlin who had gone pale and was shaking slightly."Morgana is here to see you , my lord." The knight repeated . I had no idea what to do so I nodded . The knight ushered for her to come in but he was instantly killed as Morgana spoke a spell on her way in." Well hello dear brother ." Morgana smirked." How's married life suiting you. Merlin hasn't gotten bored of you yet?" Morgana spoke as she sat down on my throne like she owned the place ." What business do you have hear Morgana ?" I asked mustering all the confidence I could. "Oh nothing just here to show off I guess." She said mockingly ." What the hell do you think I'm here for!" She yelled making me jump . I guess it was a pretty dumb question I knew why she was here.
Merlin's POV
No, this can't be happening again. She can't be here again. I stood frozen in terror." Why Merlin what's wrong cat got your tongue ?" She teased laughing and she jumped of the throne and waltz over to me, inches from my face." We had so much fun together . I remember the funny little screams you made. " She said running her finger along the scar she gave me on my cheekbone." What happened to you Morgana ? What happened to that girl that brought smiles to everyone's faces and everyone could rely upon?" I asked looking her dead in the eye trying not to show any emotion." She grew up." Morgana replied smirking ." Of you it wouldn't be any trouble, brother of mine, could you and your love come with me?" Morgana asked like she was offering us water." Seriously ?! So you can sacrifice us so you can have a whole army of the dead ? Yeah I think I'll pass on that." Arthur said his voice trickled with sarcasm ." Well how'd you find that out Arthur I know you can't read ancient languages you're much to stupid so it must have been Merlin ." She deduced I nodded I wasn't sure why I did that."Wow how intelligent of you. Anyway if you two don't come willingly I'll have to force you to." She said while flicking her wrist opening the main door which revealed her little 'body gaurds ' surrounding us." We will never come any where with you . Not in this lifetime or another." Arthur protested with fury burning in his eyes." Wrong choice King Arthur." Was all she said before there were bags over our heads . As quick as I could I changed a spell allowing the ground to shake below us. The men who had our heads in the bags collapsed and I yanked the bag of my head. My eyes glowed as my gaze directed towards Morgana . She fell as I made the chandelier above her clatter to the ground.She just barely jumped back and avoided it." So Merlin is a sorcerer like me. I never saw that coming." She boasted as she flicked her wrist putting the chandelier back on the ceiling. Arthur all of a sudden grabbed my hand and he practically pulled me out of the window with him.
Arthur's POV
I didn't know what else to do I saw at least forty people coming behind us and I knew we couldn't hold them off and the only exit was the window. I grasped Merlin's hand which felt like ice and leaped out the window.I pulled him behind me towards the stables.
"Arthur , where are we going ?" Merlin asked panting behind me ." We are just trying to get away from them and when we are sure they are gone well come come back." I said not to loudly in case she had spies somewhere. I hopped on my horse and pulled Merlin up with me because I knew it would take to long for him to get on his horse. "Arthur!" I heard Morgana scream from behind us Merlin's eyes flashed a beautiful gold and a small tornado uproared behind us heading for Morgana . That stalled her for a bit . We had been running through r the forest for a while when we came across a cave." Okay Merlin I know it's not a palace but it'll work. " I said trying to catch my breath . Merlin nudged my shoulder ." I'll make a fire." He said as he went to get some wood. When he came back I had got some logs from outside and set them in the cave. Merlin's eyes glowed and the wood produced a fire. There was a slight chill in the air and I saw Merlin shiver. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him in." Arthur, what are we going to do we can't just leave the citizens of Camelot behind like that ." Merlin whispered wrapping his arms around my chest ." I know but I have to take care of you first don't I ?" I replied playing with his hair. Merlin smiled.
"You better." He said through a muffled voice after he buried his head in my shoulder and nodded of to sleep.

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