Chapter 2

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Arthur's POV
I woke up to the smell of smoke . My instincts made me jolt up looking around , but luckily it was only Merlin cooking over the fire. I staggered to my feet and walked over to him." You up princess ?" Merlin asked me looking up with a goofy grin on his face ." Shut up . You do know I am the king of Camelot ." I said standing up strait crossing my arms."And so am I ." He protested ." Good point. Why are you cooking?" I asked combing my hair down with my fingers. " I think it was out of habit , you know, always getting up before you and doing everything for you sense you're helpless." He dramatically replied with a smirk ." When he turned around to tend to the food I smacked him up side his head.
" Arthur! What was that for ?" He asked rubbing the back of his head . I laughed when I heard the sound of a horse galloping. I quickly reached for my sword and looked over at Merlin. I put my finger over my lips telling him to be quiet. I quickly pulled his arm and we hid behind a tree. The footsteps were so close I knew they were at our camp . I instantly jumped from behind the tree and before I could swing my sword I noticed the rider was Gwaine.
" Gwaine! What are you doing here?" I asked and Gwaine laughed." Sorry did I ruin you two's holiday ?" Merlin poked out from behind the tree." Is Morgana still there , Gwaine ? What about her soldiers ? Has anyone gotten hurt-" Merlin frantically asked." Merlin calm down. Everything's fine. " Merlin didn't looked convinced." Alright sit down I'll tell you what happened."
Merlin's POV
I sat down next to Arthur wishing Gwaine would talk faster." After Morgana realized you two were gone she sent out soldiers to look for you guys obviously they never found you , so they all went back to wherever they came from." Gwaine said lying on his back like he needed to rest, although he really didn't .Arthur raised an eye brow with a confused expression on his face.
" Surely it can't be that easy I mean why would she just leave . There has to be catch. We are going back right now." Arthur announced standing up walking over to his horse. I stood up with him and got on the horse first." You two only took one horse?" Gwaine asked looking us up and down ." Y-yeah well we were in a hurry and -" I tried to get out until Gwaine interrupted ,
"Mmhm..." I rolled my eyes and we road towards Camelot .
Arthur's POV
Merlin's hair tickled under my chin and he was obviously tired from getting up early so I let him lay back on my chest. His mouth was open slightly . He was too adorable . I smiled down at him , which Gwaine must have saw.
"You really love him, don't you?" Gwaine asked ." Maybe a bit." I smiled stroking Merlin's jet black hair .
When we arrived at the castle everything seemed to be in order. I slightly nudged Merlin awake." We're here love." I said as his eyes fluttered open. He jerked up obviously thinking something was wrong and apparently forgot he was on a horse, for he fell off. I heard Gwaine's laugh which was so loud . I tried to hold in a laugh but I ended up bursting out laughing and clutching my chest." Shut up you prat. Anyway does everything seem okay?" Merlin asked as I tried to control my laughter . When I could finally breathe I replied," Yeah it looks fine . I just can't believe she would give up this easily ." When I said that I heard Merlin scream and I was all of a sudden being tackled.

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