Chapter 13

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Jay didn't get to kill Sookie for tricking me into dyeing my hair white because she was absent. It had been two weeks, and everyday, Sookie was absent. I had already died my hair red again, but I had to wait a week, because if I rushed into it, my hair could've been part of a chemical Expirement from all the dye. When I showed Sam and Taurtis, they flipped out. But yeah... It was chaos. Anyways, it's been two weeks since that all happened, and everything was back to normal.

Well, almost everything.

"So, what time is your guy's date again?" I asked, gelling Taurtis's hair. He asked a girl out yesterday, and she accepted. He had asked me to help Sam and him get ready, so I was at their place. Kawaii basically arranged herself and Sam into it so it ended up being a double date. I had a funny feeling in my stomach when I heard Sam was also going out with someone. Jay and I were going too, but we were sitting away from them, and we were going as siblings, even though we really aren't...

"It starts in... Twenty minutes!?" Cried Taurtis, checking his watch. I smirked, taking my hands off Taurtis's hair.

"Finished." I said. Taurtis smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Cool! Thanks Anna. Can you tell Sam I'm waiting for him?" He said. I gave him a quick nod as I checked on Sam.

"Sam?" I asked, knocking on the door.

"Taurtis wanted me to tell you that your date starts in twenty minutes." I said. There was a shuffling noise, then Sam opened the door. He didn't let me gel his hair, and I didn't mind. He looked better with his somewhat curly brown hair anyways. He looked kinda cute... Wait, was that me?

"Coming." He said, heading down the stairs. I knew he didn't like Kawaii, and I felt bad for him, but she did get what she wanted.

"I hope you guys have fun!" I called after them. They left as I walked home. Elsa was watching a movie as I walked through the door. Her and Jack had gone on a couple more dates, and while they weren't a couple yet, I still had hopes.

"Anna! When did you say you were going to the movies again?" Asked Elsa. I bit my lip.

"Thirty minutes. Why?" I asked.

"I need you to help me get ready for a date." She said. I wiggled my eyebrows.

"With Jack?" I asked. She blushed.

"Just help me." I nodded, grabbing my makeup set.

"Here, first... We gotta take your glasses off." I said, taking them off. She blinked multiple times.

"How long?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Your going to use contacts for this date. You have some, too. You just don't bother using them." I said, handing her a pair. She put them on while I grabbed the blush.


Ten minutes later, Elsa's makeup and hair was ready. She had a messy french braid, which she was amazing at wearing, and her makeup was slight plink blush with ice blue eyeshadow, and red lipstick with black eyeliner.

"Eek! Time for your clothing!" I shrieked, hauling her to her room.

Five minutes later, Elsa had on an plain, icy blue t-shirt with a lacy white skirt. She had a brown leather belt, and icy blue high heels. I squealed.

"You look amazing! Now, let me get ready for my movie." I said, walking to my room.

I had no makeup, seeing as I only wore makeup to fancy events, and I had my hair down in two braids, the strand of white hair was left loose, like a free bird. I didn't feel like putting it in one of the braids. I also put on a red and black plaid cardigan with jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Jack's here!" Hollered Elsa. I smiled as I ran down the stairs.

"Ok, have fun!" I said, shooing her out the door. I grabbed my purse,and rushed out the door, walking to the theatre.


I can't believe he would say that!" I said, frustrated. Before the movie began, a man dressed as Paul Blart came in and did some jokes. One of them was

So, I heard teacher Gereth was hanging around the other day.

I was so mad. It wasn't even a funny joke! What's his problem?

Instead of walking with Taurtis and Sam and their dates, Jay and I walked to his house.

"I think Salex and Taurtis will end up together at the end of this day." Said Jay. I nodded. Salex had long, brown hair and she was really goofy, like Taurtis.

"Same." I said.


I fell asleep, and had the weirdest dream.

We were at the school, and I was falling off the balcony, which was weird, but whatever. It was a dream. Then, instead of hitting the ground, someone caught me. But before I could get down, they leaned their head down and kissed me. I didn't kiss back, though. I was too surprised. And I vowed to myself I wouldn't go out with anyone after all those guys. When the head lifted, I was looking into two familiar black eyes. I knew I had seen them before, but I couldn't make them out. Then, the dream was over, and I woke up. Elsa must've heard me, because she walked into my room.

"Anna? I heard you tossing and turning all night, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I had the weirdest dream... Someone kissed me... And I know I've seen those eyes somewhere... Do you think it's going to come true?" I asked. Elsa bit her lip.

"Sounds like a handful. How about we go over what the dream could mean?" Asked Elsa. She had also taken a class in psychology, which proved useful a lot. I nodded as she sat on my bed. She put her glasses back on, and she looked a bit nerdy, but that's what made her my beautiful sister.

"Ok. So, first, you kissed someone. Maybe, you like someone?" She asked. This time, I didn't reject. I bit my lip.

"I-I don't know... I don't want to... Do I? Who is it?!" I asked, sweating.

"Hmm, let's go over who it could be. Jay?" We broke out laughing.

"Ha, no... Taurtis?" She asked. I shook my head.

"He's nice and all, but he's not for me. I don't like him. Also, he's dating someone now." I said. Elsa nodded.

"Sam?" She asked. My breathe stopped for a minute while I registered the possibility.

The funny feeling of being squashed into a hall closet with him... That made sense.

He made me custom made red hair dye so I could look like my mom again...

The weird feeling I get when Kawaii flirts with him, and when he went on his date today...

How I thought he was cute earlier today when I helped him get ready...

"Omigod..." I whispered.

"I like Sam..."

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