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Evie's POV

I was walking down the corridor, I saw Mal and Ben, kissing.
I felt hurt and jealousy at the same time,I was like, killed.
Deep inside, I really wanted to slap Mal and get that kiss from Ben, but I couldn't, Mal was my bestfriend.

"Hey E!" Mal called "Wanna go to the Mall? My treat!"

"I couldn't." I lied "I need to study, besides, Audrey loves shopping, invite her!"

"Sure!" She replied "Next time, join us, okay!"

I nodded, I ran fast, I got into the nearest bathroom I could find, I started crying.

I didn't realized, Jane was also there.
"Do you really like him, Evie?" Jane asked, she's the only girl I could trust, she is my 2nd BFF.

"Well." I replied "I really, really like him, but-"
Jane cuts me off

"But what?" She asked "Because Mal is Ben's Girlfriend, c'mon Evie, you like him, fight for him."

"So you are saying." I asked "I'll have a secret relationship with the King because I like him?"

"Kinda." Jane replied
"No way!" I said "Cheating with my bestfriend's boyfriend, are you kidding me?"
"But you like him!" Jane replied "Love against all odds, right?"

I thought of what she said, Love against all odds? I need to think about this, Ugh!

"Ugh!" I yelled

"Hey!" She said "No need to shout, think about it, but who knows, Ben might be inlove with you too."

I got out of the bathroom, thinking.
I bumped into someone

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized "I will never do that ever again, your highness?"

It was Ben, the one I bumped to.

"It is okay, Evie." He replied "No need to call me King or your highness or whatsoever.Besides, your my friend, call me Ben."

"O-okay, Ben." I said, nervously, thinking that I may be caught inlove with him.

"Why are you nervous?" He asked "I'm not going to eat you alive or anything, right?"
"I am, you know,just ashamed." I lied, I was really starstrucked by his handsomeness.

He chuckled, we enjoyed some time together, until.........

"Bennyboo!" Mal called "Let's go now!"

I remembered, why did I declined that offer to go to the Mall?
Silly me.

"Mal!" I called "I will come with you guys to the mall!"

"Sure!" She replied

I need to spy on Mal and Ben, not ruining anything, Ugh! I'm such a confused person.

I got into a black limo, I was the only friend they invited.Oh well.

"Hey,um, Mal, why didn't you invite Jay, Audrey, Lonnie, Carlos, Jane and Doug?" I asked

"It is just our little secret." Mal said
"With Ben." She adds

She really loves Ben now, she loves pink, she's becoming Audrey now, and she is not the Mal I met at the Isle of the Lost, she changed, a lot.

"So, Ben." I broke the silence "Is it cool for you if I date you?"

"Sure!" Ben said, he was obviously lying.

"Bennyboo!" Mal said, angrily

I giggled

"It was just a dare, you two are so cute when you fight!" I LIED
They weren't cute when they fought,
They were annoying.
And it wasn't a dare, it was a serious question

"I lied, Mal." Ben said, laughing "The future Queen is jealous."

We all laughed

"We are here." Said Mal "Let's go, King Buttface."

"Do I really look like a butt?" Ben said, jokingly

"Sorta." I replied

We went inside, I quickly spot my favourite store and went there, I left them, all alone.
Wait, I have to spy on them!
Dumb brain!

I went to Mal's favourite store and spot the couple.
Ben looked so bored as Mal was picking a new dress to wear for the camp.
Oh wait, I forgot, the school was going to have a camping session on friday.
Maybe because I was overthinking about Ben, ugh.

"How about this Bennyboo?" Mal asked Ben as she pointed to a magenta-colored dress,
"Or this?" She asked again as she pointed to a light pink dress with some girly details.

Ben nodded to both.

"Whatever, I'll just buy both." She said, careless

"How about wear some jeans and pair it with a white T-shirt?" I asked, hoping she will follow my NEW style.

"Evie, you have changed." She said
"A lot." Ben adds

"Doug helped me with a lot of things." I said, softly

Mal, FINALLY , bought those dresses.And we got at the dorm at 8:30 pm, enough time to shower and sleep.

(A/N: I hope you guys like that chapter, thanks!)
P.S: Peace to all BAL fans and Devie fans, I'm a fan of both but I ship BeVie more.

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