Beach resort-part 2

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Stings pov
Not to long after rogue and I got in bed with blondie she calmed down and fell asleep. I looked up at rogue "she's going to have nightmares" I state as I hug her tight. Rogue nods "I can't believe they forced her to watch a horror movie" he said in a sad tone. "I think they were trying to make her face her fear but in they end it only made the fear worse" he I reply.
Rogue nods, "tomorrow we should do something to take her mind off it but right now we should sleep" rogue said with his usual poker face, I have only seen him show emotions to frosch,lector and myself but now he is also showing emotions around blondie. I soon fall asleep with blondie in my arms.
Stings pov
I felt blondie moving around, I opened my eyes and kissed blondie on the cheek causing her to blush. "Sorry sting did I wake you" she says apologetically. I shake my head to say no and I notice she's all sweaty most likely from a dream. "Hey blondie do want to take a bath" I asked while pushing hair behind a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Together" she asked blushing, which made her look cute.
"Sure I see no reason not to" I said to blondie she nodded "I will just get some gluteal clothes be right back" she told me leaving. I looked down to see rogue wide awake giving me a look a disapproval. "What?" I stated, " she doesn't seem to mind" I told him. He nodded "but it's my turn tomorrow" he said going back to sleep.
Blondie walked back in and kissed rogue on the forehead as we entered the bathroom.
After twenty minutes
Lucy's pov
After twenty minutes in the bath with sting I got out and got dressed into black tights with a gold mini skirt over the top and a bottom up red short but I pulled the sleeves up to my elbows and tied the bottom so it was a crop top.I headed out of the bathroom with sting, I plugged my hair dryer into a power point in the living room and dried my tail as lector and frosch helped me brush my hair and tail.
After I was ready I made some pancakes for everyone and got some fish for the exceeds. There was a flash and capri-Sama came out handing me a piece of cooked steak. I thanked him as he helped me set the table for everyone. I placed the pancakes and a home made strawberry syrup on the table with other toppings as well.
Everyone was at the dining table because of the smell of food. I chuckled as they sat down and waited for me, I put the steak on plate for me and sat down at the table next to sting and rogue. " hey Lu-chan can I see your marks" min-chan asked me. " sure min-chan" I say lifting up my hair to reveal white and black scales tattooed on either side of my neck.
She smiled at me "so they finally manned up and confessed ha" rufus said clearly amused I just shrugged and continued eating my steak. "Hey Lucy are you going to have any pancakes" yukino asked me scoffing down her sixth pancake. "No I am fine" I said as I had finished my steak and started to clear and do the dishes. Yukino came in and gave me a hand "your a really good cook" she told me " thanks" I replied with gratitude.
" hey Lucy are you still scared of horror movies" yukino asked me. The words horror movie sent shiver down my spine "I think I am ten times more scared now" I replied only to see yukino frown. "We only did that to help you face your fear" yukino says apologetically. "It's okay, it's the thought that counts. besides I have a reason to be afraid" I told yukino but whispered the last part so she couldn't hear it. "Wait what did you say the last part I got the first part" yukino said. I waved my hands frantically don't worry about it.
I can't let anyone know about what happened in my true past the memories only fully came back a couple weeks ago but I wish they never came back at all.
Yukino's pov
"Lucy" " lucy" "LUCY" I yelled getting tired of waiting. I finally snapped her out of her daze and realised everyone at the table was now looking towards us. I looked up to Lucy and noticed her face was a bit pale. " hey lulu/blondie are you ok" sting and rogue said in unison. I smiled I feel happy for Lucy she has found her perfect mates.
"Yeah, I'm fine... Just a little dizzy" she said. I could tell she didn't want anyone to hear the last part but i was close to so I heard it and so did rogue and sting. "what was that" I asked, "nothing, nothing" Lucy said waving her arms around panicked. " so any way what are we gonna do today" Lucy asked changing the subject.
I shot sting and rogue a worried glance and they noticed she was trying to change the subject. Lucy stood up and went to the kitchen to get some water but I could see that she was clutching the counter top so hard that it was making her fingers go purple. Out of no where Aquarius appeared in front of Lucy. Aquarius inspected Lucy.
She sighed as turned to us "did she watch a horror movie" she asked us. We all nod and she shakes her head. "Lucy, you know what happens when you watch that type of movie" Aquarius scolded Lucy. "Sorry it won't happen again" Lucy said weakly.
It looked like she was going paler by the second Aquarius sigh. "Lucy stop struggling you'll only make it worse" Aquarius told Lucy. Lucy nodded and not a moment to soon she fainted in Aquarius's arms. Once she was certain Lucy was out she looked up and faced her new mates, "she can not and I mean never watch a horror movie or this will happen again do you understand" Aquarius said sternly.
" is Lu-chan really that afraid of horror movies" minerva asked. Aquarius turned to her "you know as well as I do what happens when she watches horror movies. If you don't let me re-jog your memory" Aquarius said rather sternly as a book that has Lucy's dairy carved on the front cover and a blood stain on it.
Minerva went pale and so did Lucy's mates. "T-that's Lucy's blood" sting said seriously. We all gasped except for Minerva. "Omg, I totally forgot" Minerva said with tears in her eyes. "Just what exactly do horror movies and Lucy's well being have to do with anything. We would like to know because as Lucy's mate it's our job to protect her and we can't do that if we don't know what we're dealing with" rogue stated calming but worry evident in his voice as sting just nods at the statement.
I could see Minerva and Aquarius on the verge of tears as Aqua (Aquarius) handed Lucy over to sting. Aqua held up Lucy's dairy a single tear escaping her eyes "Lucy-nee told you her story right?" She asked and we nodded. "What did she tell you exactly" Aqua asks I ponder for a moment "she told us her mother died at a young age after that her uncle Acting as her dad which she did not know at the time started to treat Lucy badly. One day she snapped and she ran away to fairy tail and then she was treated badly again and came to us and not to long after fairy tail apologised" I explain the others nod.

There were bangs covering aqua's eyes. That's what she told me when I asked her what happened. But we have a spiritual connection with our master so me being her very first spirit we have a strong connection. She didn't tell me anything about what really happened to her. I could tell so I went looking for answers a while back, that's when I stumbled across this and I saw Lucy's blood and name in it so I read it........" Her stopped choking back tears.
Minerva took over with her voice cracking at every word. "We read it and found out horrid things read it while Lucy's out, she will be out for a week. Like last time" Minerva said with tears streaming down her face.
Rufus, orga and I tried to comfort her, while sting and rogue were talking about the book and Lucy. I can tell there worried about her I mean who wouldn't. I feel something warm slide down my cheeks and I bring my hand up to feel my face. I feel warm liquid uncontrollably traveling down my face and orga then tried to comfort me, leaving rufus with Minerva.
I looked over to see a pale and fragile Lucy. "If Lucy's out for a week how will she eat" I asked Aquarius. The exceeds were sitting on Lucy's lap crying. "These, it not the first time she's gone with out eating" Aquarius stared in tears pulling out needles. "What do you mean not the first time" rufus asked confused.
"She's starved herself before and worse" Minerva said going over to her baby cuz. "That's why her sprits and family are always protecting her, she's had enough pain to last ten life times which is unfortunate because our family are immortals and so are you rogue and sting ever since Lucy marked you" Minerva stated.
We heard a knock on the door as orga went to open it. Standing the for way was the three guild masters (mokorov, Mavis, Jemima). Minerva went straight to her dad and sobbed in his chest. "It happened again and it was my all my fault" Minerva kept sobbing into her father's chest. Mavis went pale if that's even possible.
She went over to Lucy "it's a good job we have to new members that can protect her at all times" Mavis chimes in. Aqua, Minerva, mokorov and Jemima nod. We all felt a bad and strong presence as zeref appeared making them all growl except for the masters, Aqua and Minerva.
This time Aqua ran into zeref crying to his chest saying "it happened again" surprising everyone. " everyone please this is no time to be scared of me as I am Lucy's brother" zeref said and Mavis explained Lucy's whole family to them telepathically. Zeref had tears in his eye "Mavis can you heal Lucy" zeref asked worried. "In deed I can, she will wake up tomorrow" Mavis said as everyone but rufus, orga and myself went into Lucy's bedroom.
We all say down at the table star struck thinking that scene over in our heads.
I couldn't help myself I had to make it more complicated and dramatic. ✌🏽

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