Back at Sabertooth

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I took a motion sickness pill before getting on the train, even though I could have suffered through the ride min-chan literally forced it down my throat. We got on the train with me sitting in between sting and Rogue and across from us was yukino, Rufus, Orga and Min-chan.

I smiled at all of them while putting my gold head phones into my human ears.

 I had downloaded some music onto the sound pod before we left the beach resort this morning

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 I had downloaded some music onto the sound pod before we left the beach resort this morning. I started drumming my finger nails along the table in front of us as my favorite song, I Like It Loud, started playing. I really wanted to sing the song but I didn't want anyone to get annoyed at me for singing out loud so I just lip synced instead.

"when we get back we should go watch a movie"

Yukino exclaimed excitedly.

"YES!  We should totally go and see 'Finding Dory'"

I yelled with the same enthusiasm, I tilted my head up to see both Sting and Rogue smiling down at me, they must have taken the motion sickness tablets as well. I snuggled into them enjoying there  masculine scent.

Eventually my eye lids started to feel heavy as darkness started seeping into the corner of my eyes. I tried to fight it away but it was to strong so I let sleep embrace me. I was hoping for a peaceful sleep but that didn't happen as one of my dreams from seven years started to consume my mind.


I was in a dark place chained up to a metal wall. I was surrounded by other kids my age that were all covered in blood and bruises.

I heard the heavy foot step and clanks of metal slowly making there way towards us. I whimpered and tried to hide in the wall like everyone else did. The out lines of a person in long cloak could be seen from where we were. He came and stood right in front of me.

I could feel something sharp penetrating my skin slowly, as some sort of fluid was injected into me. I heard blood wrenching screams but it wasn't long until I realized they were mine. A pain ripped through my body, It felt like I was burning from the inside out. I pulled hard against the chains making my wrist bleed and itch. I felt the warm liquid make its way down my face like water falls, my voice was slowly leaving me as my screams increased.

I heard a mental cackle as I managed to look up, the shoulders of the figure in front of me were shaking up and down rapidly. I think he was the one laughing but I couldn't be sure. My cry's soon got drowned out by the others that started screaming around me.


my eyes snapped open, my breathing heavy. I looked around to see I was still on the train with the others still surrounding me. I let out a silent sigh, I wasn't there any more, I was here with my friends. I felt two strong and firm arms wrap around my torso. I felt tingles explode in my body, I relaxed even more realizing it was sting and Rogue.

The pounding inside my head was still there as I tried to concentrate on what the others were saying. it wasn't working all I could focus on are the screams that kept going off in my head. They were screams of agony and longing. soon the begging accompanied the screams and then I recognized the voice of my tormenter.

"your useless"

"waste of space"

"I'm doing the world a favor by getting rid of you"

I tried yelling at him to stop but it wasn't working. I could here my breath become shorter and faster. I tried to take deeper breaths but I couldn't do it properly. Panic possessed my body, I couldn't run or hide so I had to suffer. My lungs weren't working.

I was snapped out of my panic attack by two pairs of soft butterflies tickling my cheeks. I blinked a couple of times and saw I was in the same place I was in a couple of minutes ago but this time I could hear or see what they where saying.

"are you alright?"

Was asked by everyone simultaneously, I guess I must have had a night terror again.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you guys"

I whispered, trying to get my voice to go louder with out cracking. My vision started to become blurry as I looked down, the tears gathered in my eyes like lagoons. I hid my face in Rogues cloak that was layed over me. Sting and Rogue both hugged me tighter and eventually I was sitting on both of there laps.

I started to cry trying not to make a sound or make the others worry as much as they already are. I sniffled hoping that no one heard it.

I stayed like that until it was time to get off the train but sting and rogue put earphones in both  my wolf ears and human ears. They started playing music as they lifted me off the train bridal style and carried me through town and in the back entrance of Sabertooth that led to all of the apartments.

Sting layed me on the bed as rogue left to cook something for dinner. I felt a dip in the bed and I saw sting uncover my face. he had a face cloth in his hand started to whipe my eyes with his hands then put a warm face cloth on my eyes.

I smiled slightly at how much they cared for me, I lifted the face cloth off my fce slightly to see sting help Rogue in the kitchen. He looked over me before leaving the room and saw me peeking out.


he yelled and ran over to me, but  I threw the face cloth at him and ran out of the room over to rogue in the kitchen, my panic attack already forgotten. I turned my head to see sting chasing me. I threw my head back and laughed .

I just re-read that and realized how !@#$ it was so I hope the next couple of chapters will make up for it.

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