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Lucy's POV

I couldn't help but welcome the smile that was making its way onto my face, after I had cried on sting and rogue this morning I had a small nap.  When I woke up they told me that we were going to see finding dory.

"I still cannot believe I'm going to see Finding Dory!"

I exclaimed happily as we lined up infront of the ticket booth.

"If i'd known that you wanted to see it so much I would have taken you ages ago,"

Bee stated with a slight chuckle.


I ask with sparkling eyes, Sting nodded and gave me a ticket.


"I finally get to see it!"

I jumped around like a little kid, I even did a small happy dance gaining a few concerned looks from on lookers.

"come on Lu"

Bear mumbled as he handed me a huge slushie, while linking his arms with mine and leading me towards our allocated Lacrima room (cinema).

-Time skip-

"best movie ever!"

I was still jumping around in excitment as we walked to the guild from the cinema's.


sting groaned in annoyance,

"you just had to get her the large didn't you?!"

bee continued sounding irritated.

"how the hell was I supposed to know Lu would go this hyper!"

Bear counted. Bee just face palmed while I frowned,

"at least I'm not drunk,"

I grumbled, annoyed at there sour moods. In a flash bear and bee were standing in front of me,

"Never drink Lulu,"


I umed sheepishly, even though I am under aged I've still gotten drunk once.

"Lucy, you didn't!"

Bear asked astonished.


I offered.

"your under age!"

Bee accused like I'd just committed murder.

"I can't believe gramps would let you drink!"

bear grumbled next to a nodding  bee.

"he doesn't know,"

I giggled, proud of myself.

As I arrived at the guild doors I noticed bee and bear were standing about 10 meters away from the doors with a black cloud surrounding them.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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