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Cahneevaal.....(Carnival) "Farewell to the Flesh" A pre-Lenten festival started by Catholics to get in one last party before giving up wine, women and song for 40 days during Lent. Preparations and partying in Trinidad start in January and build up to Jouvay (Monday) and Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) ending at midnite just before Ash Wednesday in mid-February. Costume bands in street Carnival, steelband competitions, Calypso contests, parties, dances and Kiddie Carnival all come together for Carnival. Rio and New Orleans carnivals are bigger and better known, Trinidad's is best.

Callaloo.....A thick soup made from dasheen leaves, ochroes,coconut milk, seasoned to taste, invariably includes crab

Calypso.....A musical and lyrical comment on any subject, usually composed for, but not limited to, the Carnival season

Calypsonian.....One who sings calypsoes

Cheups (Steups).....A noise made by sucking your teeth

Chinkee.....Very tiny portions of anything

Chips.....French Fries e.g. "May I have some chips, please?"

Chookaloonks..... pet name of your special someone


Chupidee.....A foolish person

Chutney ...... a spicy East Indian condiment made from half-ripe mangoes, tamarind, coconut, cucumbers usually in the form of a sauce.

Chutney.....a type of music indigenous to Trinidad, which evolved from Indian music, a catchy and rhythmic East Indian fete music conducive to wining (see wining) your bamsee (see bamsee).

Coast or Coasting ..... to show off something or someone

Cockstand ..... erected Penis

Cokee-eye/coki-eye.....Cross-eyed or cocked eye

Commess(e) .....Confusion associated with arguments, gossip and slander

Coonoomoonoo.....(Cunumunu) Idiot, stupid person

Cosquel ..... tacky looking

Cosquelita ..... a girl with excessive makeup

Crapo.....(Crapaud) Frog The most detested reptile on the island. Often poisonous, they are hated worse than snakes.

Cuff.....Hitting someone or something with a cleched fist


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