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Wah is de sceens? .....whats up?

Wajang.....A roudy, uncouth person

Wais.....Trini pronunciation (Waist) The ability to wine "De gyul only trowin ral good wais!"

Warap.....A very weak mixture

Wee.....From the French (Oui) Yes, as in "Eh eh, dat is ral good buss up shut, oui?"

Well yes! .....An expression of disbelief

Wham now? .....what's up or how are you? It's considered a Greeting!

Whappen? .....What's the matter with you?

Wha-happenin' dey? .....What's happening

Whas de scene? .....What's up? e.g. Ay padna, whas de scene?


Whey yuh say? .....What did you say?

Whole *.....All, as in "We been limin' whole day!"

Wine/Wining .... The style of dancing to Soca, Calypso and Chutney... circular movement of the waist or Trini term for rolling your waist line- looks very sexual

Wood ... slang for penis

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