why do people hate life

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Look ik life's hard and we have idiots who's gunna mess it up but look if your thinking about hurting yourself don't just because people seem like they don't care they do hehe I mean people want to be mean and call is names and everything there just mad because we're possibly better than them we can't hate life because of people ok think about your self and your freinds and family how would they miss you and how do you think they would feel about it and they lost there baby its not good to let people get in your way like just leave it alone there's people who care about you so just stop saying you never wish your were born because you are born and you mad an I'm pact in someone's life like just don't be that way your good no your not perfect yea were humans but God created us so we're something don't just give up on something you haven't even started

_peace harold_

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