The Pirate's Medallion |Chapter 01|

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|Chapter o1|


Um, okay, that was so not how a father should address his daughter. And definitely not how a king should address his princess! In this case, his heiress for crying out loud. But guess what? My dad give a damn.

“Yes, father?”

So my father was not so kingly but at least I have to make sure I had something good in me! I mean, it’s only seven more months for me to become twenty!

“Do you realize what you have just done, young lady?!” he growled. Uh, refused a suitor? Then yes, what’s wrong with that? He was an old piece of shit, anyways. “I’m sorry, father…” God, stupid servants, get out of here. I need to have a real conversation with my father!

My father, King Fredrick of Ilolas [1], was one royal pain in the neck. The law says the princess should find a suitor for her by the time she is twenty six not when she becomes just freaking twenty!

Father raised a dismissal hand towards all the royal guards and servants that were in my room. The only one who remained besides father and me was my personal maid, Olivia. She fidgeted, when father gave her a separate dismissal stare.

“Father, let her be.” I commanded. Realizing that it was my father not one of the servants that I was talking to ai politely added, “Please…”

Father gave me a disappointed look. I returned him a little smile, scratching the back of my head. Yeah, that was a male thing, but it ran in the family. Being like a guy, that is. My mother is also like that. And she even climbed trees! And this is the queen we’re talking about.

Father can simply not blame me for being so juvenile, it’s in my blood! So my siblings weren’t like me, they had only gained their mothers’ beauty, not an immature self, unlike me; I’m a total replica of my mother. Beautiful and juvenile.

“Rowan, this is the seventh suitor this month that you have denied. You do remember that all inheritance of the kingdom belongs to you, and not any other of your siblings, do you not?” Father started to lecture.

I fell backwards onto my king-sized bed. I loathed listening to father’s lectures. But it was all true, much to my discontent. Father had different wives, and I was the first child. And something happened with those marriages and the royal court decided that I was the heiress and none of my siblings can take the inheritance from me.

Father, of course, was thwarted because I was the one who was to take over. And now, here he was bringing princes from anywhere and everywhere, just to get me a husband so that I won’t be the one ruling. One thing was clear to father, if I took over the kingdom, I’d let all the poor people into the palace. Father cared for them, sure, but he just couldn’t stand to see anyone who doesn’t belong in the palace in here.

“I do, father. But please! I’m only nineteen! Just let me wait until I’m twenty two of the least to get married!” I begged father. I did not look at him. I was on the bed, playing with the little bear. I named it ‘Kyu’. Kyu was already seven years old, and he didn’t have even one scratch on him! I bought him, disguised as a slave girl on the market place. I had made sure nothing happened to him!

“But, if there was someone as cute as Kyu, and also someone whom I can talk to like Kyu, I’d marry him right away!” I added, hugging Kyu. But heck no way was that possible. There could never be someone whom I can talk to, like I talk to Kyu and Olivia.

“Rowan, I expected you to be better.” He said. “Father, you cannot blame me! I’m like mother! You said it yourself!” I said all of a sudden. “Do you not feel happy that I am here, at least to remind you of mother..?” my voice croaked. I was seriously hurt. And so fed up with father and his favoring!


“You know what? I don’t really care whether you miss her or not, but I for one do miss her! And I don’t care whether I have to take over the kingdom; I am not getting married before I want to! And there’s nothing you can do to make me!” I shouted in father’s face, before throwing Kyu onto my bed and running out of my room. Tears were welling up in my eyes already.

I was very sensitive and weak hearted. Like mother. Not that father cared, as long as he had his other kids, what am I to him?! If it weren’t for the kingdom, he would have probably disowned me by now!

“You know nothing about your mother!” Father didn’t say it so loud, but it was loud enough for me to hear. Along with those words, tears started to stream out of my eyes. It was true. Everything father said was true. He never said anything but.

I knew nothing about my mother, besides that she was very beautiful, immature and weak hearted. Only that. I knew not what country’s princess she was, who her parents were, nothing!

Some nights, though, I have dreams of someone like me holding me. Not that dreams make any sense. I didn’t believe that they would, at least. I mean, they are only made up of what you think of, aren’t they?

I ran towards the highest tower in all of the Ilolas, which was linked to the palace. (Father did not know about the tunnels that linked the palace to every single part of Ilolas. The tower was declared part of the palace last year.) I loved that scene. That scene of the forest surrounding Ilolas, the seas sailing and coming to port, the market place crowded.

Before I knew it, it was twilight. When I saw that image…time stops for me. I get the urge to paint everything I see, but I was a terrible painter. The sun touched the edge of the sea, revealing a beautifully carved wooden ship. It glowed like it was luminous, not the light rays of the sun. “So cliché.” I thought. Those people must have been desperate to make an entrance.

How I wished I was on a ship like that…

Then an idea ran through my mind. A crazy idea, but still...

What if I ran away, to be on the ship? Like a rogue princess?

Right then, I seemed the like desperate one, not the sailors on the ship. But I didn’t care…

Olivia, you’re going to have to practice some lying…

New story guys! I’ve have this idea in my mind for a while, but didn’t know how to bring the story in! I know, all my stories are cliché, but, that’s kinda  my style ^^’

Anyways, enjoy the story!

[1] Ilolas- Pronounced as ee-loa-las

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