The Pirate's Medallion |Chapter 02|

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|Chapter 02|

“My lady, the king requests for you.” My butler said, bowing. I raised my right hand in dismissal. I was outside, in my room balcony. The bitter memories of last evenings still haunted me, but I decided to let go. Even that darn idea was too..insane!

“Olivia,” I called. Olivia came rushing, to my side. “My lady,” she also gave a little bow. “Raise you head. Get me one of my simplest dresses. I do not want to look to dressy, this time.” I told her. It was only too obvious that father was meeting me with another suitor.

“Yes, my princess.”  Her usual reply. Even though I considered her as my best friend, she still considered us mistress and maid. Sometimes, I even scold her for that.

Soon, I was dressed in the simplest dress you could find inside my closet. Yet, it was also so formal. I sighed. How come I couldn’t wear combat boots and shorts with some sleeveless top?! Oh yeah, I was a princess. Darn this princess thing!

“My lady, do you not like the dress I chose?” Olivia asked, worried as she heard me sigh. “No, Olivia, it’s not that…never mind.” I decided against telling her about my thought of running away. Even if I did, Olivia would totally be against it. “However you may wish, my lady…”

As I walked into the throne room, I saw my father, talking with a middle aged man. He had dirty blonde hair, shaggy, and it looked…so informal! Not like any other of my suitors looked like. He was…simple and elegant! His hair made his jewel blue eyes stand out. I resisted the urge to cover my own eyes, in embarrassment.

“Rowan.” Father greeted, giving me a secret glare warning me not to try anything funny. I scared the hell out of the other suitor my saying there was a mouse crawling up his dress. The guy was so scared he ran over my guards! It was hilarious, but no way was I going to try that on this guy.

“Father.” I greeted back, with a tiny bow. A tiny one. My guards kneeled, though.

“Ah, princess Rowan. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Mr. Handsome said, bending to a bow. “Rowan, this is Lucian Prescott. He’s a merchant who will be staying with us for a few days.” Father introduced. “Like wise.” I smiled, bowing back.

He smiled back, he looked so gorgeous, and I was taken aback. This was the first time I noticed someone this fetching…

Father must have noticed, he looked at me confused. “Like I said, he would be staying with us for quiet sometime; he has brought pleasure to the whole kingdom with all that he has sold.” Father changed the topic. He was trying to hide a frown.

“I, also, would like to thank you on behalf of the whole kingdom for everything.” I smiled again. God, what’s with me and smiling this much?! It’s usually frown or grin! “Only my pleasure to serve such a fine looking princess, such as you, my lady.” He gave a secret wink which my father would not have seen.

I felt blood creeping up to my cheeks. “Thank you, Sir Lucian.” I smiled. It was either that I was blushing or my hair, which was left swarming in front of my right shoulder, sneaking up on my face.

“As Rowan is the heiress, I sought she should meet you, Sir Lucian. Rowan, you may leave now.” Father was still trying his best to hide his displeasure with me.  “Yes, father.” I said with a little bow, and then turned to Lucian, and gave him a small smile before turning to leave.

As I turned something stop me. A furry little creature near my feet. I bent down and picked up the little creature. It was a cute little cat, which the same blue eyes of Lucian. “Ah, Min!” Lucian exclaimed, walking up to me patting the cat, as it would have been rude to take him away from me, while I was holding him.

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