Part 2 - Joke of a Romantic Stuck to My Tongue

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The two band mates head over to one of the rental cars, Pete casually slipping his arm around Patrick's shoulders. He feels Pat tense up a little, then ease off. Patrick in return, nuzzle his head onto Pete's hand a little, neither of them saying a word.

Pete pulls out the car keys and opens the passenger seat door for Patrick, releasing his grasp from Pat's shoulder. Patrick nods in appreciation and slides into the seat. Pete skips around the back of the car and gets into the driver's seat, then takes off to the nearest Taco Bell.

"So, you hungry too after the big show?" Pete asks Patrick after a moment of silence.

"Oh, uh yeah, that took a lot out of me, I'm definitely up for some burritos." Patrick says, flustered.

Pete raises his eyebrow in suspicion but doesn't say anything.

The car pulls into the lot of Taco Bell and Pete parks it far off from the entrance. Patrick has a questioning look on his face as to why Pete parked so far away, but he doesn't question Pete out loud. The two get out of the car, the air moist with humidity. As they walk to the entrance, Pete wraps his arm around Patrick's waist, but this time, Patrick doesn't flinch from the touch. Pete pulls Patrick close to his own waist, sending an explosive feeling into Pete's gut. The two get to the door and they both reach for the door handle, touching hands in the fluster. Their hands stay there for a split second before Patrick pulls away and Pete opens the door.

Luckily there's no line, so the two walk right up to the register. They place their orders, getting a plentiful amount of tacos and burritos, and some extra for Andy and Joe. Pete pays while Patrick goes to get straws, sauce packets and napkins, then chooses a table for them.

After Pete retrieves two trays full of food, he heads over to the table where Patrick sits. Pat immediately stands up to help Pete with the food.

Patrick sits back down and sorts through the food to see what is what.

"Jeez, is it hot in here or is it just me?" Pete asks, slipping off his "this is our culture" jacket, revealing his tattooed arms and muscular chest in the tank top he is wearing underneath.

"Yeah actually I was thinking the same thing." Patrick replies, taking his fedora off to run his hand through his hair, trying not to stare too much at Pete's physique.

Pete sits down and grabs a burrito, yanking the tortilla open and squishing a pack of hot sauce into it before taking a massive bite. Patrick, while gently taking a burrito of his own, watches Pete with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Hungry are we?" Patrick asks with a chuckle.

"Yes very. Don't mind me being a pig." Pete replies with a smirk.

Patrick rolls his eyes and takes a small bite of his burrito. They sit in silence for a little bit until they've eaten a good amount of burritos.

No one else is in the room except for the workers in the back. It's pretty quiet except for the bustle of the work in the kitchen and buzz of the fluorescent lights. Cars pass by, their headlights flashing bright into the night. It's very calm, now that the two guys have stopped wolfing down their food.

Pete grabs for his drink and takes a sip, then sets it back down on the table, considerable close to Patrick's hand sitting calmly next to some napkins. Pete takes his hand off the cup and leaves it on the table, very close to Patrick's own calm hand.

Patrick looks off in the distance, his cheeks turning a light pink color, and he bites his lip. Pete also blushes a little, but looks right at Patrick. He looks at Pat's adorable fedora, how it fits his face so nicely. His fluffed and slightly sweaty hair, remembering how low his sideburns used to go. He looks so nice right now, so clean cut and happy. He's always looked nice but right now, in this exact moment, he looks fucking amazing. Pete feels a boiling feeling in his stomach, and a sudden urge to kiss his band mate. Without another moment's hesitation, Pete grabs Patrick's hand and holds it tightly in his own. He's still looking straight at Patrick, keeping a straight face since his nerves at tingling in his stomach and his heart is pounding hard. He waits for some sort of reaction from Patrick, but then looks away from Pat's face. Patrick looks over at Pete in half surprise, half panic.

"P-Pete?" Patrick stutters. Pete darts back to looking at Patrick, sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Yeah?" He replies, slightly loosening his grasp on Patrick's hand.

"Are you holding my hand?"

"What? Oh, uh...yeah." Pete squeaks. "Sorry." Pete releases Patrick's hand and pulls it closer to him, but still leaving it on the table. Patrick looks longingly at Pete, and in a moments time, grabs Pete's hand back.

"Thank you." Patrick says calmly. Pete's cheeks turn bright read, his heart pounding in his throat. Their eyes meet for a second, and stay locked for a good while.

Pete never realized how strong his feelings for Patrick were until right now. Ever since Patrick joined the band, he's always had a crush on Patrick, but never let it show a whole lot. The two of them always had an amazing friendship, but never in his wildest dreams had Pete thought Patrick would feel more then that for Pete.

Pete bites down hard on his lip, and squishes Patrick's hand probably a bit too hard.

"Shit Patrick." He says. Patrick just looks at him, a questioning look on his face but also a smirk.

With his unoccupied hand, Pete frantically crumples up trash and stuff it into his drink cup even though it still has soda left in it. He throws the remaining burrito onto one tray, examining the table for anything else. He releases Patrick's hand and stands up in a frantic rush, throwing the trash away and stuffing the remaining food in a pile and carries it in his jacket. With one hand holding the jacket-wrapped burritos, the other hand he uses to grab Patrick's hand back and yanks him out of his seat. The two stand up, Patrick a little surprised by Pete's rush, and they race to the door. Or well Pete races to the door, Patrick gets pulled behind.

"Pete what's the rush?!" Patrick says loudly, slight concern in his voice. Pete remains quiet until they get back to the rental car, his legs walking fast and hoping Patrick doesn't trip behind him. He yanks open the passenger seat and throws the burritos to the ground. He slams the passenger door then opens the back door, happy to see a pretty spacious area. Pulling Patrick in front of him now, he takes Pat's fedora off and shoves him in the back seat, following closely and slamming the door behind him. Without giving Patrick any time to talk or make sense of Pete's sudden aggressive side, Pete's lips are slammed against Patrick's, pressing him against the other inside of the car.

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