Master Is Here

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I was in a forest. A dark one. I was looking for something and I came to a castle. The master jumped from the top. Landing. "Wha- what?" I said, just realizing that it was all a dream. I got out of the bed. I was starving. I walked over to the counter full of food. I picked up a popcorn bowl. I heard a door creak. I looked out the window. Nothing was there. I swear I saw something or someone outside. I shoved a handful of popcorn into my mouth. I heard a foot step. Behind me. "Who's there?" I said in a whisper voice. The popcorn got punched out of my hands, spilling all over the floor. Next thing I knew, I fell back asleep.

"Alice, wake up!" Maria said, waking me up. I yawned. I opened my eye and saw the ogres pointing at the popcorn all over the ground and looking at me. "What happened here?" Arknel asked. "She poured our popcorn, that was the only bowl of popcorn left!" Therne said with his face as red as an apple. I almost turned him into an apple with my magic! "Therne, stop don't try to blame the girls. I heard a bang on the front door. Someone came barging threw the door. "Master is here! I thought there was a barrier!" Therne screamed. "Shhh, I can put the barrier back on... Just one click of sound then he's gone." Arknel said waving his wand in the air. Well he took my want but... He can borrow it I guess. His large arm swayed in the air, making the master, disappear. He was gone. Gone for good? Or gone for now... I hugged Maria. She was confused I could tell by the look on her face. "Alice... It's not that of a big deal..." Maria mumbled. After she said that,I slapped her hand from coming near my popcorn. Well the rest of it you would say.

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