Chapter 20

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Andy's POV
I looked over Dean's shoulder and found Cath on the floor. Panic rushed over me and I pushed Dean away as hard as I could and immediately ran to Cath.

"No no no. Cath? Cath come on wake up. Please!" I held her in my arms and shook her until I started to see she was coming to.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked confused at the sight. "What the..."

"Don't try to move or stand up we will get you on the bed, stay as still as you can for me, okay Cath?" Dean instructed. He tried to help me get Cath on the bed but before he could touch her I carried her up and placed her on the bed.

After giving me a dirty look he got out his flashlight and shone it into Cath's eyes. Dean did a couple of more tests and then said, "It looks like everything is okay, thank god. Don't try to get out of bed again okay?"

"Well I wouldn't have gotten out of bed if you two idiots wouldn't have thrown a fit like little 5year-olds." Yup. She's fine.

"I'm sorry." I kissed her forehead and her expression softened.

"Well, I should leave. I uh... I have other patients.. I need to look after." He awkwardly stepped out of the room and I'm not going to lie, it felt good to see I took the victory.

"You're such an idiot." Cath brought me back out of my little victory thought.


"He wasn't doing anything wrong. And we were talking. You just came in here and let all hell break loose."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "You're mad at me? He's the one that refused to leave!"

"There was no reason for him to leave."

"There was a reason." I said.


"Because I didn't want him here any longer." I stated.

"I didn't want him to leave." Cath said.

I ignore her comment and continued. "I did some research and doctors can't work with a patient that they have--or had-- a personal relationship with."

"I operated on you!"

"I already talked to the Chief of Surgery and arranged to get you a new doctor."

Cath stayed quiet, her jaw dropped and she looked at me in a weird way. Even if she protests against my decision I won't change it. Well there's no turning back now anyways. The Chief of surgery knows Cath has history with Dean and its hospital rules. And I have no regrets.

"You know what, get out." Cath said.


"Get out."

"No I'm not--"

"Get out and don't come back in here until you can control your fucken jealousy."

Stunned I stared at Cath mumbling words, trying to think of a response. When I finally made up my mind and told myself it was better if I didn't say anything I exited the room.

I walked straight past everyone without saying a word, my hand in my pocket holding the pack of cigarettes and my feet leading me to the nearest exit.

"Andy wait." Jake tried to get my attention but I kept walking. "Andy someone's here to see you."

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. I sighed and ran a hand though my hair at the sight of the person who wanted to talk to me in the worst moment possible.

I suck at updating oh my god

I started this chapter last week but honestly I dont even know what to write about anymore so its hard for me to finish chapters every weekend like I did before.

I have an awesome idea on another book but i want to know who you guys think should be the male protagonists in that book; Andy or Luke.

I did give up on the other books and deleted them cause I absolutely h8 them

Please comment i need your help :(((((

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