Chapter 10

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Cristina's POV
"I don't know if I'm gonna go to school over there. What if they don't speak English? I'm only this many years old," Beth said probably holding up 6 fingers, "I can't know what they're talking about if they don't know English! I hope I make new friends." Beth kept on taking and talking from the back seat.

See, I'm not really a kid person, so I don't know how to act in these situations.

Jayden started crying and I didn't know what to do. "Shhh.... Kid its okay. Its okay. Beth do you know how to shut him up?"

"Mommy usually gives him this thing to chew on." She said.

"A pacifier?"

"I don't know what its called. But its blue and mommy put it in the baby bag."

I sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. I got out of the car and opened the trunk to get out the diaper bag. Then I saw a truck, a big truck, slowly driving into the wrong lane. There were two lanes, one went towards the airport and one away. The truck driver wasnt even trying to stay on the left lane.

"Wrong way dumbass!" I yelled. I was aware he probably couldn't hear me so I turned my attention back into the trunk. I finally found the pacifier and as I closed the trunk I heard the sound of wheels squealing and a loud crash. I looked back to see the truck had collided with a small car. It was dark so I couldn't really see the model, but the front lights were still on.

I opened Beth's door and handed her the pacifier. "Here, give this to your brother and don't get out of the car. I will be right back okay?" She nodded and I took the keys of my car with me, locking it as I walked away so Beth wouldn't get out. I took out my phone and dialed 911. There was poor reception but enough to make the call.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Uh, I'm on highway 65, Los Angeles, California. There has been a car crash, a big one, and we need ambulances, like, now!" I said approaching the accident.

"Okay, ma'am, are you involved in the crash too?"

"No, no. Its a big truck, like the ones that carry products, and a small car."

"Okay, I need you to approach the small car first. The people in that car probably suffered more injuries than the truck driver. Do you know CPR ma'am?"

"Yes, I'm a surgeon, I know how to deal with trauma. Just please send help." I said.

"Great, help is on the way."

I hung up and carefully approached the car. I looked in through the window and saw two people sitting in the front seats, the back was empty. I opened the door and the smell of blood hit me in the face.

It was a couple, but they were very bloody and it was kind of dark. I got out my phone and turned on the flash light. I inspected the woman in the passenger seat first. The air bags had opened but she had pieces of glass stuck in multiple places of her body.

I leaned over to unbuckle her seat belt and saw the driver's arm. He had tattoos... A batman tattoo...

"Oh my god...." I moved the airbag out of the way and shined the light on the passenger's face. "Cath? CATH?!" her face had extensive trauma, and was covered in blood making it difficult to recognize right away. I kept yelling her name.

"CATH!" there was movement from the driver's seat. "Andy! Andy! Hey, don't move, don't move! Help is on its way!"

He groaned and sat up. When I found him his head was resting on the air bag from the staring wheel.

"Cath?..." He weakly asked.

I checked her pulse. "She's here, she's fine. Its going to be all right." I unbuckled Cath's seatbelt and carefully let it roll back. As I did, I saw it had cut her torso and bruised her right shoulder.

I took off my scarf and put it on the wound applying pressure.

"What happened?" Andy asked.

"You were in a car crash!"

The door of the truck opened and a middle aged chubby man got out. It looked like the only injury he had was a forming bruise on his forehead.

"Oh my god..." He started shaking as he saw what he had done. He looked inside the car seeing Cath and Andy in there. "I did this..." His hands flew up and rested on his head. "I did this..."

"Hey, sir!" I snapped my fingers at him until he turned to me. "Do you have duct tape by any chance?" He didn't respond, just stared at Cath and Andy in shock.
"SIR!" I yelled

"Uh... Yea. Yea, I'll go get it." He ran to his truck and quickly ran back to us.

"Cath..." Andy turned towards Cath and rested his hand on her thigh. "Cath... I'm so sorry... This is all my fault." He started crying.

"No, Andy, don't move your head." I said. The man handed me the duct tape. "What's your name?" I asked.

"T-tom." He shakingly answered

"Okay Tom," I moved a bit so he could kneel down where I was. "I need you to apply pressure on her wound." He put his hand where my hand was and I put my hand over his applying a bit of pressure. "Just like that. Keep your hand there."

I took the duct tape and started wrapping it around Cath's forehead and the seat. Then I moved over to Andy and did the same thing.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked.

"If they suffered any type of trauma to their neck and they keep stirring around they could paralyze themselves." I said. I checked Andy's pulse and it was a little fast but that's only to be expected after someone's been in a car accident. I went around the car and checked Cath's pulse. It was getting weaker and weaker.

"Come on Cath..." I whispered. "You need to stay strong." My eyes started tearing up but I didn't want to worry Andy. Not right now.

Soon we heard sirens in the distance.

I was just kidding about the few days thing, I'm not that mean ;)

Chyler Leigh is actually the one in the picture. The scene if from grey's anatomy "one flight down" plane crash episode. I wanted to insert a video but couldn't find any good ones. If you want to you can go on YouTube and search Lexie Grey's death and videos will come up :)

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