Chapter 22

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Cath's POV
"I'm so sorry, Cath. We did the best we could but there was just some damage that was irreversible."

You know those moments when someone tells you something and it feels like you just got punched in the gut. Yea, I had that feeling times 10 right now.

"But... Dr. Webber being a surgeon is what I prepared for my whole life! Its all I know!"

"I'm sorry. But your muscle function is too weak now. Of course with physical therapy and special exercises you will be able to get to almost your normal movement but you won't be able to operate again. I'm sorry." his eyes were sincere and sad. "I'm sure you will find another job. You're a smart, strong woman. You'll be fine." He gave my shoulder a small squeeze and left.

*a few months later*

"Okay Cath, you got this, you're doing amazing come on!" Chris, my physical therapist, said. "This is your last visit, come on. Make it count!"

My fingers tightened against the shaft of the weight I had been lifting until my knuckles turned white. I was determined to lift the 15 pound object with my hand.

The last few months have been some of the hardest of my life. I had to learn how to do a lot of things, simple things too. Its like my brain hit reset for the right side of my body. I had to learn how to write again, how to walk without limping, how to move my neck even.

My hand muscles occasionally still gave out and that's what had been happening today. I struggled to bring my arm up, I could swear I started sweating. I got halfway up, my arm slowly rising.

I can do this. This is it. I'm doing it.

And then... My hand smacked down on the arm of the chair, the weight falling to the foam floor.

There was a moment of silence, anger rushing through my veins.

"Its okay Cath, great job. I think that's enough--"



"Chris I said again. Hand me it." I said through gritted teeth.

Chris handed me the weight and I tried again. As I struggled to lift the object Andy walked in, his hands inside the pocket of his black leather jacket. He leaned against the door frame looking as hot and bad ass as ever. His freshly cut hair messily, yet perfectly, styled to the side. Lip ring between his teeth he watched as I struggled, putting even more pressure on me.

See, we haven't exactly been talking since the confrontation. Yea, its a long time but he had to get back on tour for most of that time.

That doesn't mean I didn't want to be next to him every night though. Now more than ever before I wanted his hands on my skin, his lips on my lips, his words piercing through my ears as he whispers sweet nothings to me when we--

"CATH! YOU DID IT!" Christ put his hands in the air in excitement and I looked at my arm shocked. I guess the sexual frustration was the way to go.

I jumped up in excitement, feeling like I was on top of the world.

I looked over at Andy, and smiled. A smirk soon spread across his face in excitement too.

I guess neither of us have apologized because of our big pride and egos. We're both hardheaded and stubborn and we know it yet neither of us are willing to apologize.

I gathered my things and thanked Chris, gave him a hug and left. I gotta say, I felt guilty about how glad I was I didn't have to go to physical therapy anymore.

"Hey, ready to go?" Andy asked, taking my gym bag from my hands.

"Yea." Today was my birthday and Andy asked me out to dinner. I'm hoping he will finally apologize and things can go back to the way they were. Except things are never that easy in our lives.

"Hey Cath!" A voice behind me said. I turned around to see Dean running to catch up with us. Out of breath and smiling like an idiot at me he said, "I wanted to say happy birthday before you left."

The tension could be cut with a knife. Andy was practically burning holes through Deans head.

"Thank you!" I politely smiled and as I turned to leave Dean touched my arm, grabbing my attention and making Andy's body tense.

"I wanted to know if um... Maybe I could invite you to grab something to eat to cele--"

Andy interrupted with a fake smile plastered on his face. "She's already got plans, but thanks." He grabbed my arm and started leading me to the elevator but i shook him off.

"Actually that would be really nice, but I'm going to have to take a raincheck."

Dean's face lit up like a little kid on Christmas morning. "Great! I'll keep in touch and we can set something up." he waved a quick goodbye and went his own way.

Andy already had one foot inside the elevator, not waiting for me, ready to leave me standing there alone.

"Hey!" I ran and squeezed squeezed through the closing doors.

"What the hell?" He said.

"I was being polite. He was asking nicely."

"Ok." He said flatly.

We didn't speak the rest of the elevator ride. Or the car ride. Or at home.

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