Shows last time
Shows Tonight on bgc2*
Shows overview of the roads*
Shows Title: twin drama
Shows cleo walking out the car*
CLEO ur doneeee bitch
Cleo int* Why is this bitch touching my shit ? you done
Cleo Pushes junoi in the bushes
JUNOI gets up and mushed Cleo-
security comes*
Cleo Gets sent to hotel*Next day*
Junoi: I don't want her here on god
Jas: she was drunk just chill lol
JUNOI : She is new so we will seeZooms out the house*
Shows a van in St.thomas
Shows twins in the van *
Twins int * we back bitches hahahahahahaha
Shows flashback of the twins *
They go to pick up the new girl from hotel*
Cleo gets in *
They greet *
Taylor: omg u a new girl wtf 😐
Taylor int: im not suprised tht somebody went hme
Tyler : how long u been here
Cleo: a day
Taylor : and u already at a hotel wtf happened.
Taylor int * this girl had to be a mess
Cleo explains *They arrive back home
Tyler: Im baaack bitches
Taylor : Times two
Cleo Walks in with them*
Cleo: Times 3Draya int * idc abt the twins like y u here u left the house
Jas n junoi greet the twins*
Paula greet them*Cleo talks with jaz n dray
Dray: cleo the way u act is not acceptable
Jas; just tune it down boo
Cleo : ok
Cleo int* idc what these bitches got to say dfScene ends*
Cleo ask the twins to go out with them*
Junoi and jas : Wait For us
Cleo : lets just leave 😂😂 Fuck them
Cleo n twins leave*
Jas n junoi go downstairs
Jas: Where are these bitch at yooo
Junoi: the twins came back bold asf on they shit fr!
Jas: Fuck them bitches
Junoi writes all over they pictures *Shows the twins n cleo partying*
Shows them turning up
They dance
They drink
They twerk*
They do s cheers*Back at home *
Junoi Waiting for them at the door *
Twins and cleo pull up *
Jas: 👀👀
Twins walk in*
Junoi: Who's idea was it to leaves us
Jas: fr df
Taylor : listen -
Junoi cuts her off* bitch u could of said dnt come out idgaf you a fake bitch Fuck u
Junoi Pushes Taylor*
Ty Pops junoi *
Taylor jumps in*
Cliff hanger ^
Episode ends
Nxt time on bgc 2
Pack ur bags ur going to the other side of the virgin islands!
Everybody screaming*
Shows them jetskiing *
Shows them parasailing
Shows them turning up at the beach*
Zooms out *
shows Taylor n ty JUMPING
shows cleo grabbing jas *
Twins : Fuck junoi df
Junoi : them bitches need to gtfo
shows junoi spreading they clothes across the beach*
Shows a hidden fight*

FanfictionThe Bad Bitches Are Back But Will They Finally See What They Have Ahead Of them And Change Or Are They gonna Let Their Bitchy Ways Come in between Find Out Soon