EPISODE 5 : Twin Drama

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Shows last time
Shows Tonight on bgc2*
Shows overview of the roads*
Shows Title:  twin drama
Shows cleo walking out the car*
CLEO ur doneeee bitch
Cleo int* Why is this bitch touching my shit ? you done
Cleo Pushes junoi in the bushes
JUNOI gets up and mushed Cleo-
security comes*
Cleo Gets sent to hotel*

Next day*

Junoi: I don't want her here on god
Jas:  she was drunk just chill lol
JUNOI : She is new so we will see

Zooms out the house*
Shows a van in St.thomas
Shows twins in the van *
Twins int * we back bitches hahahahahahaha
Shows flashback of the twins *
They go to pick up the new girl from hotel*
Cleo gets in *
They greet *
Taylor:  omg u a new girl wtf 😐
Taylor int: im not suprised tht somebody went hme
Tyler :  how long u been here
Cleo:  a day
Taylor : and u already at a hotel wtf happened.
Taylor int * this girl had to be a mess
Cleo explains *

They arrive back home
Tyler: Im baaack bitches
Taylor : Times two
Cleo Walks in with them*
Cleo: Times 3

Draya int * idc abt the twins like y u here u left the house

Jas n junoi greet the twins*
Paula greet them*

Cleo talks with jaz n dray
Dray:  cleo the way u act is not acceptable
Jas; just tune it down boo
Cleo : ok
Cleo int* idc what these bitches got to say df

Scene ends*

Cleo ask the twins to go out with them*
Junoi and jas : Wait For us
Cleo : lets just leave 😂😂 Fuck them
Cleo n twins leave*
Jas n junoi go downstairs
Jas: Where are these bitch at yooo
Junoi:  the twins came back bold asf on they shit fr! 
Jas:  Fuck them bitches
Junoi writes all over they pictures *

Shows the twins n cleo partying*
Shows them turning up
They dance
They drink
They twerk*
They do s cheers*

Back at home *
Junoi Waiting for them at the door *
Twins and cleo pull up *
Jas:  👀👀
Twins walk in*
Junoi:  Who's idea was it to leaves us
Jas:  fr df
Taylor : listen -
Junoi cuts her off* bitch u could of said dnt come out idgaf you a  fake bitch Fuck u
Junoi Pushes Taylor*
Ty Pops junoi *
Taylor jumps in*
Cliff hanger ^
Episode ends
Nxt time on bgc 2
Pack ur bags ur going to the other side of the virgin islands! 
Everybody screaming*
Shows them jetskiing *
Shows them parasailing
Shows them turning up at the beach*
Zooms out *
shows Taylor n ty JUMPING
shows cleo grabbing jas *
Twins : Fuck junoi df
Junoi : them bitches need to gtfo
shows junoi spreading they clothes across the beach*
Shows a hidden fight*

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