Shows last time
Shows this week on bgc2*
Title appears: jumped off the horizonJunoi Pushes taylor
Ty Pops junoi
Taylor jumps in and grabs junoi hair*
Security comes *
JUNOI: Fuck u fake bitch!!!
Jas tries to jump in cleo grabs jas * security breaks it up
Jas n junoi Get sent to a hotel
Tyler: Goodjob sis llsNext day*
Jas n junoi come in heated
Jas int* I'm pissed tf off and I can't stand these Wack ass hoes .
Junoi int * So we came back all mad then it's a knock on the door
Junoi: ladies come down we got a note
They all come down
Jas: Notes says pack up ur moving to the other side of the island for a week!
Everybody starts screaming *
Everybody packs*
Paula cf/ finally out this fucccckin houseeeeeee
Everybody drives to there destination *
They arrive to the house *
They pick roomsROOM SITUATIONS
paula & Junoi
Jas & Draya
Twins & CleoThey get ready for the club
They get in the limo n Turn shit up*
They Start dancing*
They drink & Party hard*
Paula int: Yasss we turning tf up yo
Jas & Junoi twerk*
They leave the club *
*Next day*They go to the beach*
They start playing on the beach *
Jetskiing *
Parasail *
Shows them Having fun on the beach *
They leave for the club*They Arrive home & Take a showers *
The twins n cleo talking about the other night
Cleo: What u think gonna happen when we get home
Tyler: Junoi Gonna pop shit
Taylor: fuck junoi df stupid bitch
junoi overhears*
Junoi: im staying home guys have fun
They house Goes out except junoi *Junoi speard they clothes across the beach and ruins they shit
Shows the others having a good time*
Junoi int * them bitches got to goooooo!
Shows them getting drinks *
They get on the bus*
They come bck frm the club *
The twins see their shit ruined*
The twins run upstairs-
They tie their hair *Tyler runs up on Junoi
Taylor pops Junoi from behind *
Junoi fights back *
Taylor gets on top of junoi *
Junoi slaps taylor*
Junoi pops Tyler & Pulls her hair*
Tyler scratches her*security breaks it up*
Junoi tries to run bck up *
Shows the Twins grinning *
Producer: we need to tLk n the living room
Episode ends
----------------------------------------------Next time on bgc2
Shows the Producer *
Producer: Its time for u to pack and leave!
Shows somebody grabbing they suitcase *
Dray int * we getting a new BITCH yooooo I can feel it
Walks baack in the house *
Jas : Omg Pictures
Shows cleo making new Friends*
Shows team new bie *
Jas: the newbies r really aggy taking me stuff for what reason
Replacement 2 Takes shit*
Jas flips out*

FanfictionThe Bad Bitches Are Back But Will They Finally See What They Have Ahead Of them And Change Or Are They gonna Let Their Bitchy Ways Come in between Find Out Soon