Shows Last time
Shows Tonight on bgc2*
Title appears: bringing in trouble
Producers come in*
Producer: can I talk to junoi n the twins in separate rooms
Shows him talking to them separately *
Producer: junoi
Producer: twins what u did was unacceptable
Producer: I want u to pack ur bags
Producer: and go back home
Camera points to junoi *
Producer: and go home
camera points at the twins *
Twins int * welp we r going home I had a nice time here we lived it up we had fun for a short amount of time we was here but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for nothing 💕
Shows the twins outro *
shows the twins leaving *Junoi int * atleast im not leaving bye bye twins ✌✌
Junoi goes back to the mansion*
Cleo int* my only friends here is leaving ugh !
Draya: damnnn i feel like we gone have new bitches when we get back home frfr
Paula : I hope not* Next day*
Junoi : Time to go ... Finally
Everybody packs and leaves*
Jas int* over the drama filled vacation
The limo leaves and drives back home *
The girls walk in *
Jas: junoiiii bitch wya
Paula: omg What's thissss
Draya: its the new girls
Cleo: 👏👏
Cleo int * so ready for this more people !Camera zooms out of the house*
Camera Goes out by the water *
Camera Goes to a boat*
Shows porsha on the boat!
Zooms in on porshas bikini *
Porsha Int* I have a mind like a devil 👺 but on the outside of me it says angel all over 👼
- Porsha 22 Philadelphia: The Two faced queen -
Intro plays*
Boat driving*
Shows ariana *
She stands on the dock with some shades*
Ariana int * once u cross me u better learn that Ill get back at u but I go ten times harder!
- Ariana 24 Oregon: The Playful Warden -
intro plays
Boat drives up to the dock *
Ariana Gets on the boat
Porsha: haaaaay.
Ariana: sup!
Porsha: bitch u badd
Ariana : You to girl look at them tits 😂
Ariana int* This Bitch Seems cool asf
They greet *Boat drives to the house *
They step out *
They walk in*
Both the newbies: helloooo!
Everybody greets them*
Cleo shows them around*
Jas cf * cleos just kissn ass Because she hass no friends like byeee gorl 😭😭😂
Ari listening to jas cf*
Ari int* I already here bitches talking shit ima use this to my advantage and hopefully start something
Porsha rooms with ari*
Paula int* the new girls are alright im not impressedAri tells cleo wat jas said*
Ari int* i like cleo because she was a replacement and shes the outcast duh
Cleo : Lmao Wow Fuck that hoe
Porsha : lets go fuck with jas shit*
Cleo : Yesss
Cleo int* I might some followers
Porsha and cleo ruin her stuff And hide *Everybody Gets ready for the club*
They party *
Shows Twerking *
Shows them Dancing*
They Arrive back home*Paula falls asleep*
Jas : really yo don't play with me rn
cleo: 😁
Porsha: Laughs*
Jas Gets all in her face*
Jas: Did you touch my shit !
Porsha : Back Up boo
Jas : Foh
Ariana laughs *
Jas paces back n forth*
Porsha Gets buck *
Porsha: Are You mad Sweetiee
Ari gets involved
Ari: jas stfu and sit tf down*
Jas steps to ari *
Jas: punches holes in the walls
Jas Pushes ari*
Cliff hanger*
Episode ends*
Next time on bgc2 *
Shows jas anger*
Shows the newbies clique
Junoi: drayas been acting real miserable and by herself its annoying
Shows dray talking shit about the house*
Cleo: dray is fucking done
Shows draya n junoi fighting on the beach*
Draya otp * ma ima Fuck them bitches up
Junoi Gets arrested *
Shows draya vs porsha and ariana *
Paula: omgggg wtf

FanfictionThe Bad Bitches Are Back But Will They Finally See What They Have Ahead Of them And Change Or Are They gonna Let Their Bitchy Ways Come in between Find Out Soon