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Ali stood in front of the stove. She'd started to get the hang of the whole cooking thing a little more. But she was having another one of her reflective moments, and she'd be lucky if she didn't screw something up. Reflective moments had been coming pretty often this year. But then, she had a lot to be reflective about.

Finally returning to the national team. Ending her time in Germany. Starting a new chapter in D.C. And Ashlyn. Ashlyn always gave her plenty of reason to be reflective.

Nothing could have proven their relationship more than last year. Ashlyn had given her time and space when she needed to mourn the chances she'd lost, but she'd never been too far.


"Yeah?" The blonde was at her side in an instant, and Ali knew she'd probably been watching her the whole time.

"Will you taste this?"
Ashlyn reached a spoon down into the saucepan. "It's good. A little more cheese, but no more salt." She noted, taking the salt shaker away for good measure.

"Do you want to do it?" Ali offered the bag of shredded cheese.

"No, babe. You've got it."

"Ashlyn - we can't invite people over for your homemade alfredo and then screw up the alfredo sauce." Ali sounded as nervous as she looked about the prospect of messing up their meal, but Ashlyn just laughed and wrapped her arms around Ali's waist.

"I've been watching you like a hawk, but I swear you're doing it perfect. Just add some cheese and keep stirring."

Now that Ali and Ashlyn were both together in D. C., Ali's mom had come to get a look at their new place. Lori and a couple other girls from the team were over tonight too.

"Hmmm... It's kind of hard to focus on stirring like this." Ali commented, leaning back into the blond. They stood there for a moment, Ali stirring non-committedly while Ashlyn smelled her hair. Then Debbie walked in.

Just like she had a hundred times since they'd told her they were together, Debbie stopped in the doorway to smile at them. Ash could charm anyone, and Debbie was no exception. Debbie had loved Ashlyn from the moment she'd seen the way she looked at Ali when Ali didn't know she was watching.

"Can I help you two with anything?"

Ashlyn kept one arm around Ali's waist and waved the older woman off with a smile. "We've got it, Deb. We're like pros."

Debbie started to walk out again but hesitated. "I'm just so happy for you girls that you get some time to just be together. All that traveling... it wears us down. And you two just seem to fit together here."

Ashlyn grinned at her. "Well I certainly ship it."
Debbie made a curious face but didn't notice Ali stepping back to step on Ashlyn's toes. "I'm sorry?"

"Nothing, mom." Ali interjected. "It'll be done pretty soon."

Debbie left, and Ali dramatically rolled her eyes. "Can you stop saying that? I hate it when you say that."

Ashlyn laughed. "I think you like it when I say it. Hey - keep stirring!"

Ali shook her head and turned her attention back to the pot.

Of course, their relationship had had its ups and downs. Long distance complicates communication, and their relationship had been no different. They'd had their fair share of arguments. Ashlyn had gotten jealous more than once. Not that Ali minded it much when Ashlyn got jealous.

She smiled thinking of some of their debacles. The wet t-shirt competition... Ali had assumed if your girlfriend asks you if she should do a wet t-shirt competition, then saying yes was proof you were mature enough to trust her. Maybe it was the fact that they lived on different continents, but she'd ended up googling pictures and feeling about as mature as a fourteen-year-old girl over it.

She hadn't said anything - but not long after, Ashlyn had called to say she was visiting. They'd gotten about as good at reading each other over the phone as they were in person. The first thing she'd said when she climbed into the car was "So... no more wet t-shirt competitions, right?"

And the next thing Ali knew, Ashlyn was signing a contract to play a few hours away from her in Duisburg.

But as wonderful as that had been, this was better. Ali felt as much at home now - in D.C., with Ashlyn - as she ever had in her life. Even their professional lives were both running beautifully. They'd just gotten back from the Algarve, where Ashlyn had gotten her first cap. Ali had been so happy to see her finally get what she'd been working for. And she knew it was only the beginning.

Most importantly, they knew they could deal with whatever came their way. Separation, injury, whatever - they could deal with it together. They had built security. And at least for now they had found a place where everything seemed just about perfect.

"Yep, it's perfect." Ashlyn was beside her again, testing the alfredo sauce.

Ali smiled. "Really?"

"Really." Ashlyn took over from there, adding the sauce to their pasta and arranging everything so it would all be ready to carry out.

"Hey, Kyle texted me today."

"Yeah?" Ali was filling glasses with ice.

"Yeah. He wanted me to tell you that next time you score a goal he wants you to signal for him."

Ali rolled her eyes. "Is he still complaining about that?"

"I may have kind of been bragging about it."

"I had no idea it would be such a big deal."

"Well, the fans loved it, that's for sure. They thought it was pretty adorable of you."

"Oh please... how could they even know who I was doing it for? It was very subtle!"

Ashlyn laughed. "Oh, yeah... subtle like a flying brick."

Ali turned to look at her girlfriend, who was about to walk out of the kitchen with some of the food. "I need to ban you from the internet for a while." Truthfully though, they both knew that Ali could care less what people thought anymore.

Ashlyn just grinned before switching subjects, because she knew Ali really would try to keep her off social media if she pushed it too much. "You know who I miss?"


"Christie's kids. Those kids are hilarious. No one around here has kids." Her complaint faded as she walked out of the kitchen, so she missed the look on Ali's face.

Ashlyn with kids... now there was something else to get reflective about. With a content smile, Ali grabbed a few glasses and followed her girlfriend out to finish setting the table.

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