Cutting in line

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A/N: *This will also be like me just trying to let all my anger out for something someone does*
And if you do these things it's fine I just have those 'OH HEEELLLL NOOOO' moments so yeah

Ok when people cut in line it makes me feel awkward and wierd inside because you want to say something but then again don't want to be rude.

Well if I was a not so shy person I would say something like

Me: OHH HELLLL NOOOOO (head motion like the cat at the top)GET TO THE BACK OF THE LINE MISSY/SIR

And of course I would never say that to a person unless they did something really bad or if it was a line to get tickets to a Concert or a Animecon....

Ok well thanks for reading I will be saying some things but this I made this because I am one of those people who get bored and have nothing to do

I know that we are all humans (or are we? Just kiddig) and we do these things alot and that's fine... I just get bored easily............

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