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Author's Note: Hey there. So if you're reading this right now, I'm guessing you've fallen into a state of complete boredom. Well, so have I. But I've decided to turn my boredom into creativity. That sounds cheesy. Anyway, I'm excited to write this fanfic so please read.
Thanks xx


Blurry images filled my head as I stumbled over my own feet. I looked up at the trees, which were spinning in messy circles above me. Right then, I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands. I knew that would be the end. The end of everything.

Somehow, I forced myself back onto my feet and pushed myself to run. I wasn't sure if I was running toward or away from something. All I knew, was that I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take this awful guilt that sits in the bottom of my stomach day and night. This guilt had been haunting me for weeks, driving me into complete madness. What could I do?

Once again, I collapsed on the ground.

I remember the way the bright blue sky and fluffy, white clouds suddenly became dark and treacherous.

The birds stopped whistling happy tunes and began to screech at horrible frequencies.

My tears mixed with rain falling from the clouds. I felt my worries being washed away. Along with my memory of the incident.


My eyes fluttered open and I felt more than usually out of place. I glanced wearily around the white, sterile room I was in. Where the hell was I? How did I get here?

"Ah, good. You're awake." a woman in a white uniform with a friendly smile said, "Brooke Harmon, is it?"

"Who are you? Where am I?" I sent her a frightened look.

"Brooke-" she came toward the bed I was sitting in as I interrupted her.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I flinched away from her.

"Dear, settle down. I'm not going to hurt you." she gave me a warm smile, but it wasn't quite convincing, "I'm Nurse Marriott, but you can call me Angela."

"Nurse? You don't need to "nurse me"." I was offended.

"Think of me as your companion. I'll be here until you get...better." her chocolate skin looked welcoming even in the fluorescent lighting.

"Get better? I'm fine. You still haven't told me where I am."

She sighed, "Canebrake Mental Institution."


Angela put forth multiple efforts to calm me down after I received the information of where I'd be residing.

Eventually, I stopped squirming under her grasp and realized I'd never get out of here if I kept acting...mental.

She lead me to a room with a few chairs and a single table. Angela pulled one out for me which I took offense to. I can pull out my own damn chair. Thanks Angela. I already hate her.

"Dr. King should be here shortly. Just make yourself comfortable."

"Sure, with all of these luxurious accommodations." I rolled my eyes as she exited the room.

She was right. About 5 minutes later, a short bald man with a small beard stepped into the room. He gave me a warm smile just as Angela had when she first caught a glimpse of me. The doctor pulled out a chair in front of me and unintentionally slammed his binder on the table.

"Brooke Harmon, correct?" he pulled out a file.

"You should know. I thought I was the mental one here."

"Sassy, aren't we?" he chuckled. What's with these people and asking reassuring questions?

He pulled out a small flashlight that doubled as a pen. Don't ask me how. I have no clue how technology works. The man twisted one end of the pen and a light emerged from the other end. Dr. King brought the light up to my eyes and told me to follow it.

I've always seen them do this in those medical shows but I never knew what for.

He made minimal talk and went on with his work until I asked him a question. "Why am I here?"

"That's not something I'm permitted to tell you."

"But you're the fucking Doctor here." I began to get frustrated.

"Yes, but at your fragile state, I can't burden you with that information."

I kicked the chair next to me and Dr. King flinched. For someone who works with "mental" patients for a living you'd think he'd be more stable.

"I'll call Nurse Marriott back in here to take you to the day room. I think you need a break." he slipped out of the room.

"Genius." I whispered under my breath.


Angela accompanied me to the day room and sat me on a couch with other patients. I looked around at them, taking in their appearances.

One girl had cuts up her arm that made me shiver with sympathy.

A boy shook in his seat as he pulled out a board game and began playing.

Another girl had messy, red hair and dark circles under her eyes. She had patches and band aids on her arms, I'm assuming from the many sedatives they seemed to have given her. "Daisy." she spoke.

"Huh?" I spoke back and glanced over my shoulder to see Angela walking away. So much for getting out of this conversation.

"My name. Daisy is my name." she spoke again, lacking expression. "You must be new around here."

I was confused as to why she'd be talking to me and how she could tell I was new. "Uh, I guess. This"

"You want out?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Doesn't everyone?" I mimicked her action.

"Not everyone," she dramatically looked down, "Look, I can't get you out of the institution. But I can get you out of your room, temporarily." she grinned.

"You'd do that? I don't even know you." I was still utterly confused.

"Of course." she leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear, "Eleven. That's when the nurses switch shifts. We can get to the roof during their shift change. I'll come to your room, 224C, and unlock your door at precisely 11."

How does she know my room number? I don't even know my own room number.

I was hesitant. I don't even know this girl and she's going to help me get out of my room, supposedly. She's mental for crying out loud. I can't trust her.

But then again, what do I have to lose?

"Why are you doing this for me?" I asked. Daisy looked up behind me and I turned to see what she was staring at. Angela was coming back.

"Calum and I will explain everything tonight." she said quickly.

Destroy Me |Calum Hood|Where stories live. Discover now