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Not long after Daisy left Calum and me alone on the roof, we headed back down to our rooms. It's was pretty late and I didn't want to get in trouble on my first night here.

Why did Daisy freak out like that? Oh well, hopefully she'll get over it by tomorrow.

I got back to my room and slipped into my bed. I had a light-weight blanket that was just enough to keep me warm. My bed wasn't all that comfortable though. But what did I expect? I am in a mental hospital.


A light knock on my door slowly woke me up as Angela let herself in my room.

"Hi, Dear. It's time for your medicine." She brought in one cup filled with a few pills and another filled with water. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine.." I took the two cups from her hands and gulped down my pills. She took the cups back from me and stood up to exit the room.

"I'll be back soon to get you for your meeting with the on-call therapist. Let me know if you need anything until then." she shut the door behind her.

Therapist? Just another perk of being stuck here, for what reason, I had no clue.


Angela came back shortly after leaving and I gave her my letter for Darcy. She told me it should be mailed out in a matter of days and that I should be expecting one back.

Only 20 minutes after she left, she came back, yet again. "Time to go meet Dr. Simmons." she smiled in an attempt of encouragement.

"Yay." I rolled my eyes.

She led me down the long hallways to a room with 2 chairs that looked semi-comfortable. I took my place in the one far from the door and waited patiently for Dr. Simmons.

I didn't have much patience though. As every minute passed, I began to get even more impatient.

Just when I was ready to go back to my room, the door swung open, revealing a tall, middle-aged woman. "Mrs. Harmon. How are you doing?" she sat in the chair across from me.

"I'm alright, I guess." uncertainty was clear in my voice.

She pulled out a thin folder and took out a few documents along with a black pen. She clicked the pen a few times, thinking of what to begin saying while I sat there, observing her. She began to take notes, I'm guessing on my appearance, seeing as her eyes examined me up and down multiple time. We still sat there in silence. For me, it was becoming unbearable to hear only the sound of her scribbling judgmental words on her mysterious papers.

"So, are we going to get started?" I desperately interrupted the uncomfortable silence.

"Sure. So, Brooke, do you know why you're here?" she furrowed her eyebrows, trying to seem interested.

"No..I don't remember anything."

"And how do you feel about that?" she clicked her pen and wrote some more.

"I...I don't know. Annoyed?"

"Why is that?"

"Because no one will tell me what's wrong with me." I began to raise my voice.

Dr. Simmons widened her eyes at the sight of my sudden frustration. "Anger issues." she thought aloud and copied it onto her papers. "What do you remember?"

I had to search for my answer for a while before finally finding the word to sum it all up, "Darkness.."


Author's Note: Sorry for such a short chapter after such a long wait. It's kind of a filler.

While I know it's no excuse, I've been busy with school work and I've also been pretty sick lately. I promise, I'll try to update more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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