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I was lead to my room by Angela, of course. And sure enough, I was in room 224C. How did Daisy know that? Whatever.

My room was just as bland as the rest of the hospital. A single bed was pressed against the wall and a white desk sat by a window. A barred window. I kept thinking about how this must be a dream. I must've slipped into an uninterruptible slumber and these nightmares are now haunting me.

I walked toward the desk to examine the only other objects in the room. There were a few pieces of paper and a dull pencil. What the hell was I supposed to do with this? Write letters to my oh-so-loving parents?

I had to preoccupy myself somehow so instead, I wrote letters to my best friend.



Hey, Darcy. I'm sure by the time you get this letter, you'll already know that I've been put into a mental hospital. Yeah, I know..."How could you? What did you do? I can't believe you!" I'm sure that's what you're thinking. But the truth is, I have no clue why I'm here. My parents must've pulled me out of bed and forced me in here. All I know is that I woke up in a bed with a clingy nurse watching me intently. I know I'm not like the people that are normally admitted here at Canebrake Mental Institution. They're all...mental. I'm not. I'm perfectly fine. I'm completely sane. Eleven o'clock is nearing and I've got somewhere to be..or not to be. So I'll write you later.
Yours Truly, Brooke


Moments after I set down the pencil, I heard the latch on my door click. At first, I was startled. But I then realized who was at the door. Daisy.

I walked over and slowly opened the door to insure my safety.

As expected, there stood an insane girl with bright red hair. She was giving me a devilish grin and instantly grabbed my wrist to pull me through the doorway. She quietly closed the door behind me, making sure it made no sound.

"Where's Column?" I asked curiously.

"Calum? He's already up there." she corrected me.

"Up where, exactly?"

"The roof." she stated shamelessly.

I was hesitant to follow behind her. But hey, if I'm stuck in here, I might as well make the best of it, right?

She began to lead me through a door that had a sign on it that read 'NO PATIENTS PERMITTED' and up the flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs was a steel door with a rectangular window toward the right side of the door. I peeked through the small window to see a brown-haired boy sitting in a chair.

Daisy pulled open the door. And when I say pulled, I mean she pulled. It was a heavy door.

As soon as we walked onto the roof, the breeze hit me. The short amount of time I had been there had felt like a continuous nightmare I couldn't wake up from. But being on that roof gave me a new-found rush.

The brown-haired boy glanced over his shoulder to see Daisy and me walking toward him.

"Who's the newbie?" he turned back to face the city surrounding us.

"Brooke Harmon. Room 224C." she acted as though she knew everything about me. Calum seemed taken aback by something Daisy said.

He sent me a smile and said, "Hey, I'm Calum." he pulled a chair toward him and signaled for me to sit down. I took my place in the dirty chair as he continued to make conversation, "So, what are you in for?"

"It's a mystery to me. I guess I blanked out or something because I don't remember anything." I sighed. "What about you?"

"Family misunderstandings. Apparently, I'm suicidal." he chuckled.

"Apparently?" I was confused.

"Well, I mean. Sure, I was upset..maybe even depressed. But I didn't try to kill myself. My parents think I'm a nutcase. They think I have some worsening depression that I can never escape. They didn't want to deal with me. So what did they do? They threw me in a mental hospital." he still examined the city and told me his story.

"I'm so sorry." I replied.

"At least try and act like you aren't new around here." he chuckled again. "You can't apologize for my story. We all have one. Even those who don't know it." Wow, he was deep.

Daisy sat on the ledge that surrounded the rooftop. She sat silently, just listening and staring off in the distance. "How about you, Daisy?" I asked.

"Brooke." Calum stopped me. I was confused, yet again.

Before I knew it, Daisy was getting up and heading back toward the door. "Daisy?" I half-shouted. She turned around and I thought she might say something. Instead, she tossed me a key with 224C engraved on it.

"What did I say?" I asked Calum.

"She's had it rough. Really rough. Haven't you wondered why she likes it here?" he asked and I nodded in reply. "Canebrake may seem bad, but the rest of the world is so much worse."

I took in the view around us. Everything seems so complex. So
put-together. But when you think about it, this whole city, this whole world, is a fucking mess.


Author's Note: Thank you for the positive feedback!  Hopefully, this chapter wasn't too crappy. I'm trying to multitask; Homework and Fanfic? Not easy.
ALSO, question. What do you think of Hey Everybody?

Thanks for reading and please vote.

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