
46 1 3

I sat in my dad's car for a little bit. My knuckles were baely bleeding and my body was starting to feel stiff.

Deciding I needed to get to bed , I slowly got out of the car and opened up the house door. The house was quit so I assumed Abby was sleeping until I saw Brandon walking up the stairs with popcorn in his hands.

He saw me and blushed deeply. My eyes narrowed at the sight at him." Hi" He stuttered embarassed

" Hello" I replied coldly. He flinched." What exactly was at that party that was so bad enough for the cops to come and start arresting people.

"Uh well you... There were people kinds drinking alchol and it was a really loud party so the neighbors must have complained. But don't worry I didn't let Abby anywhere near the drinks." He said quickly after seeing me narrow my eyes at the word alchol. 

" Well, I guess I might as well thank you for that then" I said stubbornly"Now may I ask what you are doing at my house here at nearly 12:00 am" I questioned

" Well, you see Abby kinda said she got scared by being here alone and all that. So she called me wondering if I could come over and watch movies with her for the night." He explained

I nodded feeling bad by leaving Abby by herself.I looked down and sighed. He might as well just stay here and do exactly that seeing as how late it was. " Fine tell Abby I'm home though and that I'd better not here anything from you guys during the middle of the night or I swear to god" I fake threatened. His face got beat red and he nodded then quickly made his way upstairs.

I laughed at how embarassed he could get so easily.

My feet dragged me to the kitchen and I opened the fridges doors. Scanning over the food my eyes landed on the greek yogurt sitting at the top. Pulling that out I quickly closed the doors and then got out a spoon from the draws. 

The greek yogurt left a sour taste in my mouth and I looked to see what kind I had blindly grabbed. The Lemon one of course. After eating all of the yogurt then drinking a glass of water, I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room. 

After changing to my pajama's, I slipped under my blankets. I sat there for about 5 minutes before I realized I wasn't going to be able to go to bed anytime soon.

So I got up and walked down the long hallway towards my dad's study. I tried to be quite, my heart was beating loudly and I could hear every pound. My breathing hitched once I finally reached my dad's door to his study.

The door creaked opened and I gripped my hand on the handle so hard I felt like my fingers were going to fall off. The door inched opened quietly and I quickly slipped in. Quitley I closed the door and walked to the light switch. Lights were brightly glaring at the floor and I looked around. 

All of fathers books and papers were still laying out and even a sweatshirt of his was hanging on the back of his chair. My feet hit hit the plush carpet and became engulfed in it. The walls were a plum color and were filled with my dad's designs. He was an architect.

Dad absolutley loved his job. For art Abby and I would bring home the projects and ask dad for help. He would get so into them that he would'nt let us even look at them until he was done with them. We both use to always compare him to other parents. Other parents wouldn't have their child leave the table if they were helping. Ours would put an arm around our shoulders and gently lead us out of the room. 

A knock disturbed my thoughts and I quickly took a look around the room before leaving. After quietly  closing the door I jogged down the stairs. Before the person had another chance to knock I threw the door open.

The woman had dark brown hair that was up in a bun. Peices of her hair was cascading her face. She had dark brown eyes that were lined with green on the outer layer of the iris. She was tall and thin. She had on an elegant white gown that fell to the ground and upon her ring finger was a ring that would put Madonna to shame. 


I'm sorry for not updating for what almost 2 months but I've been really busy really and I realize also that this story is losing purpose because it is suppose to be about her proving boys that girls can be better at them in sports so I need ALL of YOU to take a vote

a) Quit the story

b) Change the description

c) Go back and edit all the chapters 


Staying Til' The End *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now