Forests Can Be Cool..Sometimes

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After 'coach' told us to go get dressed and get the hell out of there we all went to the changing room. I went into my little secret room that I found I got changed in record time and was running towards my car before you could yell ' the chocolate bunny baby' 5x fast.  After getting in my car I turned on the radio and sang along to the song Mr.Brightside by The Killers.

 My throat hurt after  a while because of how GOOD of a singer I am. That was a whole lot of sarcasm there just to let you know.  On my way home I saw a person  running through the forest.

It looked weird so I got out of the car and walked into the forest with my pocket knife in hand incase a masked murder came at me. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around with the knife pointed at the murders throat. "Hey,Hey,Hey I'm not a murder I'm just warming up for soccer." said a familair voice. I looked more closely and saw that it was Adam.

"What are you doing out here." I said

"I think I should be asking you that question" Adam said with a twinkle of amusement in his hot sea green eyes. Wait did I just call Adam's eyes hot. God there is something seriously wrong with me.

I cleared my throat and shook my head. Right now he was wearing a tight black under armour shirt along with black short and some black nikes which I had to admit were sick.

**outfit in external link**

I looked up and saw that his eyes were roaming over my body. Right now I was wearing some white shorts and a black tank top that had rolling stones on it. I also had on some black and white pumas. He was looking at my long legs that I must agree were tan from the sun. Now it was his turn to shake his head and try to focus.

"Well since you are on the soccer team do you wanna run with me." asked Adam

"Sure" I said since I had nothing else to do today besides go into my room and do homework.

" Tyler will be so jealous" I heard him murmur

"Why would Tyler be jealous" I asked because I mean come on who wouldn't want to know that.

"Well ummm you see Tyler kinda told all the boys to stay away from you and if he found out that we had something we were gonna do with you we should either tell him or just blow you of." he said

I suddenly got mad at him I mean I can totally handle myself. And besides I don't like Tyler. I think I may like Adam actually. I'm not sure yet so don't get your panties in a twist.

" Oh by the way Tyler is coming. He said that he would be here in a minute so if you A either want to run away you might want to leave right now.Or B you could stay here and watch Tyler get pissed off at me." said Adam

I pretended to think for a minute and put my finger on my chin. " I believe I will be going with option B." I said with a smile. I could hear  a car engine. I looked at Adam and he was smiling.

I got lost for a minute in his sea green eyes. I could feel Adam leaning closer and I felt myself lean forward to. Our eyes held each others gaze until our foreheads touched. I was a couple inchs smaller than him and we both fit perfectly together. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine. The second they touched fireworks exploded. Our lips moved in sync like we had been doing this forever. He asked for an entrance which I gladly gave him. We roamed each others mouths. I started playing with his black hair and moved my fingers up and down his neck. He moaned in pleasure. He moved his hand slowly down my back and then put his hand under my shirt.

His hands were amazingly soft and went up and down on my skin. He started to draw circles on my back. His fingers barely touched my back and that made me moan. I realized at some point during this that I put my legs around his waist and that his hair was completly messed up. One of his hands was on my butt to keep me from falling.

The other hand was still in my shirt. I put my other hand up his shirt and felt his abs. I ran my hand over his abs and he let out another moan. His kisses became more demanding. "Now I definetally can't let Tyler have you' he said. We pulled away but Adam started kissing my neck. My head went back and I moaned in pleasure.

I was now pushed up against a tree trunk. After Adam realized I had regained my breath his lips were back on mine. The fireworks were back again.

This time I asked for an entrance he let me in right away. The hand that was on my back was now making it's way up towards my boob. He cupped it almost like he was claiming that I was his. I pushed myself closer to him if possible and my hands slithered up his chest and behind his neck. We were practically smushed together and we both still couldn't seem to get enough of each other.

Adam's hands were still on my butt and boob once we heard someone clear their throat. We both stopped kissing each other at the exact same moment. I looked over and saw that a very pissed off Tyler. My eyes widened. Shit I forgot that Adam said he was coming to run with him.

"Was it just me or did I forget he was coming." I whispered to Adam

"Your not the only one..but I think you forgot once you were touching my abs."he said with a cocky smile

" And I think you forgot once your hands found my ass and my boobs." I replied back with a cocky smile of my own.

Once I said that Tyler just got more pissed off and walked towards Adam slowly.

Talk about dramatic.

Adam stayed were he was. It didn't even look like he was gonna stop him from punching him.Tyler pulled back his arm and at the last moment I got infront of the punch and grabbed his hand. " Don't you dare touch him." I said in a harsh voice.

They both looked surprised that I just said and did that. I had to admit I was shocked to,but I have a tendancy to do thinks before I think it through.

Tyler recovered from my voice before Adam. "Oh so your having her stand up for you Adam I thought you were stronger then this weakling." He said.

I was pissed. At first I thought Tyler was nice and caring and everything but right now he was really being a bitch.....wait did he just call me weak..

"Did you just call me weak." I said

"And a dumb girl to Adam wow your losing your touch." said Tyler.

I had enough. It looked like Adam did to ,but I help up a finger telling him I wanted to handle it. I walked up to Tyler so close that our bodies were pressed together. I ran my hands up his body until they were behind his neck. He put his hand on my butt which pissed me off but I didn't let it show. He squeezed my butt and I was about to explode.

I brought my lips up to his ear so that my lips were bearly touching his earlope. "I don't like you" I said into his ear. Then I brought my knee up and kneed him in the balls.

He fell to the ground in agony. I smiled and turned around and saw Adam glaring at Tyler. I walked up to him and made sure he was paying attention. "Why are you glaring." I said.

He grabbed me and  put his hand on my butt. "He can't touch you like that."  he said and you could tell he was grinding his teeth together.

I raised a eyebrow "But you can." I asked simply

"That's diffrent" he said. He turned me around,but we were still so close together that not even a bug could squeeze through us. He rested his chin on my head and put one hand on my boob and the other hand around my waist. " It seems like your always attracted to my butt and my boobs." I mummbled

He just laughed and closed his eyes. I tryed to wiggle out of his grip but he wouldn't let go. "You don't want to do that" He said.He almost sounded like he was trying to keep himself from moaning. I looked down and saw that my butt was against know...

I tryed to wiggle out faster thinking that maybe that would help but next thing I knew Adams lips were back on mine. 'I told you not to." he said against my lips.

To Be Continued.....

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