meeting my brothers [pt. 1]

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ya kno...there should be a law 4 coming up with so many ideas for books.....anywayz heres tha intro           


Ty'Lee's POV:

hey guys, my name is Ty'Lee Damari Amour Breeding. yes i have tha last name as tha dudes in B5...but were not related...i dont think.....anyways my birthday is June 17th. i guess u could call me pretty, but in my eyes im juss regular. my friends and family call me Ty or LeeLee. i live in Chicago with my dad. i never knew my mom, my dad said after she had me she ran away. wow lovely parenting rite? but then again my dad cant say anything either cuz he's hardley @ home with me. anyway today is Thursday May 18th and im up getting ready 4 skool. i took a shower, brushed my teeth nd washed my face. i put on this [outfit on tha side]. after all dat i went downstairs 2 see a note from my dad. it said


                        I had to work early today so your gonna have to walk 2 school. have a good day and EAT BREAKFAST. 

                                                          love you



huuuh he kno's i hate eating breakfast. i juss grabbed a cereal bar nd went back upstairs. when i got back 2 my room i unplugged my fone from the charger nd got my earphones off of my dresser nd put them around my neck. i checked tha time, 8:47. i grabbed my bag nd slid my fone in my back pocket nd made my way downstairs. i walked out tha door and made sure tha door was locked and started walking 2 skool. i was half way there when i got a text from my bestfriend Raelynn

~Princess_Lynn~: wazzup Ty?

*shawtie_swaggin*: shieeeet omw 2 skool

~Princess_Lynn~: awwwe well hurry yo slow ass up!!!!!! im lonely bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

*shawtie_swaggin*: stfu nigga ima b der in like 10

~Princess_Lynn~: iite

as i got further towards skool i had this feeling somethin bad was gonna happen.......but i shook it off. when i got inside Richmond High i walked 2 my locker and started putting my things in there

???: TY'LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i turned around nd saw Raelynn's crazy ass

Me: hey RaeRae

Rae: wazzup Ty

Me: nun juss ready 2 get dis day ova wit

Rae: i feel u, ready 2 go?

Me: suuuure why not

we walked 2 our first class which was Biology. we sat next 2 each other nd started putting tha chemicals in tha testing tubes

Rae: yaaaay we get 2 work wit acid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets burn somn

she said looking around frantically.

Me: Raelynn u a foo

Rae: ikr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tha day could not end fast enough for me. about 20 mins b4 we got out i was called to the office. when i walked in my principal Ms.Jahardi [aka Ms.J aka my aunt] had a look of sorrow on her face

Me: called me Ms.J

Ms.J: Ty'Lee take a seat dear...

i did as i was told nd waited anxiously for her 2 tell me what was happening. cuz if it was about dat fight between me nd Kennedy last week dat thunt deserved dat ass kickin

Ms.J: Ty'Lee i am so sorry....

Me: about.....?

Ms.J: Ty'Lee tour father died in a car accident this morning.

Me: w-what????

Ms.J: your being sent to live with your mother in Atlanta, Georgia

Me: b-but thats impossible i-i juss s-saw him yesterday

Ms.J: Ty i am really sorry

she said wraping her arms around me as tears started to fall

Me: do u kno who my mother is?

Ms.J: no but you will find out in 2 days when you move. now go on back to class.

i nodded and slow walked my way 2 class. when i got there ppl were starring at me i really dint care. when i sat down Rae looked up nd said

Rae: hey what did Ms.J want u fo- why u cryin Ty??? do i gotta hurt somebody??

Me: dad died this morning

Rae: oooooooh Ty im sorry.

Me: Rae there making me move 2 Atlanta with my mom

Rae: w-what? 

she said as tears welled up in her eyes

Me: Rae ima miss yo crazy ass

i said laughing nd hugging her

Rae: nd ima miss yo retarded ass more

she said while hugging me back nd crying. we heard 'awwww' roaring throught tha classroom.

Me: lets finish dis expirement.

Rae: iite

we worked in silence for tha rest of the day......i cant believe my dad died nd now all of a sudden my mom wants 2 be apart of my life. wooow like i said earliar....great parenting. after skool i went home nd started crying my eyes out.......why.....becuz in order 2 get 2 my room i had 2 pass my dad's office.  when i got 2 my room i looked around. ima miss tha Chi soooooooooooooooooo bad. i walked upstairs 2 the atic 2 get some boxes so i could start packing. when i came back i started unloading my closet nd putting pants and shorts and skirts in 1 box and shirts, tanktops and underwear in the other. after about 3 hrs of packing i still wasnt done nd it was already 10:07. so i juss decided 2 call it quits nd go 2 bed. i cant believe everything thats happening at the mmoment......


tadaaaaaa i came up wit another 1.....yay!!!!! iite yall im done 4 tha day. btw Rae'Lynn is on the side

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