The Aaliyah Wanna Be

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Guys. Im finna try a different writing style sooo....lemme kno wat yall think. kay? kay.


Ty'Lee's P.O.V

hey there people of earth. I juss woke up next too Rae -.- on the floor smdh. anyway i got up nd went to take a pee. i did my buisness nd brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out the bathroom and heard the bro's in the kitchen. fatasses betta had saved me some food. I mean me nd Rae'Lynn some food ^.^ i went to the kitchen and was greeted by kisses, hugs nd 'hey baby sister'. after that i heard the front door open nd i looked over and saw it was Dustin. tf i dint even kno he was missing o.o anyways he came in and said hey. i grabbed some Orange juice and sipped it slowly. 'soooooo watchu nd Rae got planned today' Bryan asked ' Uhmm nun, probly gon listen to music nd have a water war.' I said taking another sip from my cup 'Im scared to ask what that is.' Kelly said ' What? a water war?' i asked. they all nodded 'it aint nun but a fight where all u can use is water' i said 'sounds fun' said Patrick. 'it is...' i said putting my cup in tha sink 'ayee whats today?' i questioned 'Thursday' Carnell said ooking up from his phone. thursay. thursday. mind instantly went back to that day at the mall with Jacob...

Im 'spose too be meeting Tyga wit him today!!!! shit. shit. shit. shit. i forgot all about that. i ran up the stairs so fast i woke up Rae when i walked in the room 'wtf happened?! is the world ending??' she asked 'no foo -.- i forgot i was goin to meet Tyga wit Jacob today' i said quickly gathering an outfit so i could hop in tha shower 'O.O without me!!! TYYYY!!!' she screamed ' okay!! Rae u can go iite juss hurry up' i said running to the bathroom. about 15 minutes later i came out and Rae rushed in after me. I took that oppertunity to call Jacob...he picked up on the 3rd ring 'Ty'Leeeeeeee.....hey' he said ' Hey Jacob we still goin to see Tyga rite?' i qestioned hoping that i dint get Rae excited for nothing. ' yerp at 2:30' he said calmly 'iite kool, oh and is it okay if i bring a friend?' i said grabbing Rae's fone to see it was 11:24 'yea no problem' he stated 'alrite thxz Jacob' i said sweetly 'no problem Ty' he stated before hanging up.

i sat back and took a breath. i was worried for nun. Rae came in putting on her shoes 'so when we leavin?' she questioned grabbing her fone '2:30' i said nonchalantly. she looked at me like i had lost my mind 'bitch do u kno its only 11:26?!' aw yea i forgot this hoe likes to sleep for days 'calm tf down' i said getting up and walking downstairs while Rae followed. 'Hey Rae'Lynn' Patrick said hugging her -.- 'oh well hello Patrick nice to see you too im Ty'Lee your little sister' i said 'I saw you already...but hey Ty ^.^' yep he likes her 'Hi Patrick' i said going too sit down next too Kelly. 'Soo yall get dressed up like tigers for the waterwar?' Bryan asked 'aww no i forgot to tel yall im goin to see Tyga' i said cheesing extra hard 'WE are going to see Tyga -_-' Rae said 'Yea we, thats what i meant. ^.^'

An hour passed by and we were juss coolin, ya know watchin The Real Husbands of Holywood wit Kevin Hart short ass. till Rae pulled out a throwback video from her phone 'ayee Ty u remember this?' she said showing me the video. it was me about 3 weeks before i came here, i was singing and dancing to 'More Than A Woman' by Aaliyah. At that time all i did was sing and dance to Aaliyah, she was my biggest inspiration and still is. 'woahh Ty i aint kno u could sing like that o.o' Dustin said in amazement. 'u mean she hasnt sang or danced in front of yall?' Rae questioned snatching her fone back. 'nope' Patrick said poping the 'p' 'Oh well in that case lemme go get my computer' she said hopping off the couch to go get her computer. wait......she wouldnt.....would she....?

Rae ran back in the living room with a video aready playing. she wedged herself in between Patrick and Bryan. before i knew it i heard me singing Try Again, Are You That Somebody, Rock The Boat, 4 Page Letter and other Aaliyah songs. i facepalmed myself mentally and physically. I made Rae'Lynn promise she wouldnt show theese videos. EVER. She was the only one who knew i could sing like that, not even my daddy knew. I hadnt realized that the video's were over until i looked up. 'Ty....u sound better than Patrick O.O' Kelly said 'HEY!!' Patrick said pouting 'its okay, i still think your an awesome singrr' Rae said. omfg theese two better hurry up and go out already -.- 'no i really dont' i said hesitantlly 'yess u really do, Ty u gotta gift u juss needa embrace it' Dustin said [that....was very corny....]

'She sounds alot like Aaliyah' Carnell said 'okay now yall doin tha most' I stated stale facing them all. 'no we're not, listen' she said playing the video of me singing 'Are You That Somebody'. 'OKAY!! i get it -.- i sound like Aaliyah. BUT this stays inside the house until I want others to kno' i said giving the evil eye to Rae ' and i specifically told yo ass not to show those videos cuz u found out on accident.' i said pointing my finger at her 'How'd she find out?' Bryan asked. 'She was at my house and Nieko and Me heard her in my room singing 'If Your Girl Only Knew', so technically it was your fault cuz u coulda kept your big mouth shut' aww shit....i forgot the story '.-. once again this stays in the house' i said walking up stairs. i did not need my brothers tryna hook me up with a manager. i wanted to do all that on my own...watever....

A couple more hours passed and Jacob called me and said he was outside. I walked downstairs and told Rae'Lynn to come on and we walked out the door. before we got to the car i told Rae not to freak out when she got in ' why?' she questioned 'once again its Jacob Latimore' i said in a 'duhh u dumbass' tone after i said that tha bitch nearly passed out. s.m.f.h we kept walking to the car and i heard Rae'Lynn mumble under her breath 'omfg' over and over, i rolled my eyes and walked to the passenger  side of the Infinty truck while Rae got in the back. 'Hey Jacob' i said all cheesy like im pretty sure my dimples were poping out extra hard. 'Hey Ty, and who is this?' he said looking back at Rae'Lynn who was practically dying -.- ' that is my retarded bestfriend Rae'Lynn, say Hi Rae'Lynn' i said smirking knowing that she was starstruck.

'H-hey J-jacob....' she said stuttering outta nervousness. i turned back around 'give her 5 minutes, she's gonna be singing every song on the radio and asking millions of questions.' i said as he pulled out tha driveway. 'iite, sooo Ty...u ready to meet Tyga?' he asked glancing at me 'damn rite' i practically screamed...the Lord know's i love Tyga ^.^


alrite, okay, iite soo yea tell me what yall think about the new writing style. should i keep it or not? btw lemme say this....I actually meant what i said I look up too Aaliyah in a million of ways R.I.P Babygirl <3 <3 oh yea and CM Punk is on the side


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