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[Written by: Cassidy Trent/ Me]

11:11- I wished for my feelings to be sorted out, and my pain to go away.

The next day...

I blew on a dandelion wishing for my feelings to be sorted out, and my pain to go away.

That night...

I pulled on a wishing bone, and wishing for my feelings to be sorted out, and my pain to go away.

But my feelings are still a blur,

and my pain hurts more then ever before.

Wishing for things never come true.

11:11- the next night... I wished for you.

I got it my wish... My feelings were sorted out, and my pain went away.

You made me happy again.

Untill your messages wouldn't send.

I never heard from you again.

11:00... I wished for you to come back.

I wanted my feelings to be sorted, and my pain to go away.

But you never came back,

and neither did my sanity.

I got even more confused, and my pain turned into depression.

You were my world, my life, my obsession.

You never talked to me again.

I never made another wish again.

I was scared I would loose something else.

I took you out of vain.

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