The House.

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There's a house that looks fine from the outside, but when you walk inside its much different than you would expect.

There's empty rooms, dusty shelves, and dirty floors.

The house doesn't work.

But nobody cares if a house is able to live in anymore...they only care how the outside looks.

They neighbors always admired the house, thinking about how beautiful and unique is was, little did they know what went inside that house.

Nothing went on... It was empty.

But life still went on, and nobody bothered with the burden of that house, the empty, but beautiful house.

Nobody cared, because how bad could something be with all that beauty?

That's where they were mistaken.

The house needed something, anything, something to keep it sane.

But life outside the house went on, and nobody ever noticed how empty it was.

Once again.... Another pointless poem/thought thingy.... Ohhh well

Oh and btw this was all a metaphor.... But I'm pretty sure u got that

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