why hannah couldn't make it out of the mines

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so lots of people are wondering how hannah couldn't make it out of the mines while other characters managed to get out. well, if you find hannah's log in the mines, the answer is simple:

she broke her leg.

at first glance it doesn't seem too fatal. i mean, she was lucky to have even SURVIVED the fall. but, it plays a huge role in putting the pieces of what happened to her in place.

so let's take a look at what the others had to do to escape the mines:

• sam had to climb a huge-ass rock wall

• mike had to scale the side of a fucking elevator

• emily had to reactivate the power to use the elevator, which required climbing up a ladder (that broke), AND she had to run from the wendigos

in hannah's condition, the best movements she could make down there were limping and crawling.

she was not physically capable of using the same methods the others used to escape.

with a broken leg, you can't climb, you can't walk, you can't run.

not to mention the emotional turmoil she must have went through down there.

i'm surprised she avoided getting killed by a wendigo long enough to become one herself.

and why didn't The Stranger look for them?

well, he was probably 100% sure that both of them were dead. i mean, to have one of them survive a fall off a cliff onto icy stone with "only" a broken leg and survive down there long enough to become a wendigo? that's a one-time case, friends.

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