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The week passed by with nothing really interesting that happened. Just new things they teach us and a bunch of homeworks the teachers put upon our shoulders to exhaust us on the weekend.

Anyway, its Saturday now and I just finished my last homework, which is Math. Find the value of 'x'.  Ugh! You know what? This thing is bullpoop. Math is just super bitter on loosing his x. He keeps asking y but its clearly his fault for being so hard on her.
Why do we even learn this shit? We don't even need it in real life, we just needed to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and divition, and we're ready to go.
Its not like were off to buy something and the cashier is like: oh wait. I just need to get the square root of this and that and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and blah.

Okay. Ill stop ranting now.

Anyway, as I said I finished my homework and is just about to open the TV in the living room when my mom stops me.

"Oh hey, dear. Get ready, we're going to the mall. Tell your brother."

" Just go. I'll tell you later."

And then I went up again. I knock on Liam's door before opening it, seeing Liam sprawled to the clean floor reading a book. Liam inherited mom's addiction in cleanliness because his room is sparkly clean whilst mine is like a tornado gone through it.

Liam looked up on me raising an eyebrow, indicating me to speak, and I did.
"Mom said get dress. Were going to the mall. And I don't know why."
He nodded and I went to my room that's just infront of him and got ready, putting on a black sweater over a plain tshirt, jeans and my beat up converse.

I bought extra money with me just in case. We met mom on the car and drive us to the mall.

Mom led us in an electronics shop which sell various phones, tablets, loptops, psp, anything.

Mom looked at us and I held up a brow, mom smiled wide at us and said.
"Your dad is getting us phones! Go on pick one!!" I instantly followed Liam to where he was going, because honestly, I don't know a thing about electronics, like what brand to take and what knot, and the last time I actually held up a smart phone was when Lacey and Jhane let me hear a song on it and they really regretted that because somehow I broke it, since then they never let me hold a phone again, and that was 3 years ago.

"So what phone are you getting?" Liam asked.
" I don't know. But I want something like yours, I guess."
He just 'hmmm' and nodded, picking up a 6 inches, touch screen phone and examining it.

"Want something like this?" Liam asked and I nodded.
"Preferably gray, please." Liam called mom who already picked up her own phone and went to us with a sales lady towwing along.

"Do you have a gray one of this exact phone?" Liam took it to himself to ask because he knows that I get awkward in this kind of situations.
The saleslady nodded and Liam spoke again.
"How about dark green?" The saleslady look it up in their stock room and come out bringing two phones of the same brand with different colors.

She put it on the counter along with mom's and Liam inspected them for any eror. He is really good with electronics, that's his dream, actually, to make new brands of gadgets and electronics.

Liam approved of the three phones and mom payed for it with a memory card for each and a keychain of a music note for me, I only got it because I find it cute.

We thank the cashier and got out and settled down on a restaurant. While waiting for our food, I got out my new phone and try to figure it out. It's a little different from Lacey's phone so I'm having a real problem figuring it out.

"Ugghhh. How do this thing works??" I asked them and Liam chuckled with mom looking at my confused, irritated, embarassed face.

"Sometimes, I really wondered who is older. Me or you?" Liam said and they just laugh and I blushed harder.

"S-shut up!"

"C'mere, little sis!" Liam teased but I obliged, he teach me how to use it and connect me to the wifi system in the restaurant. I easily learned how to use it and got to download a few apps before our food came and I kept it away.

We hung around the restaurant just to use free wifi, because we don't have one at home.(Mom said we're going to have a wifi system after tommorow)

And I download a few songs that I know (which were very old, by the way) , including a few from the band Lacey and Jhane kept talking about. The Runners? Ugghhh. I'll just have to ask tommorow, they'll be coming over after all.


I heard the door bell ring in a Sunday afternoon and came in were Jhane and Lacey who is holding a blue acoustic guitar. Oh, boy, they're going to force me to play again.

We went to the living room where Liam is sitting and he looked at us and grinned when he saw the guitar.

"Lacey! You play?!?!" Liam jumped up and went to us. Lacey handed him the guitar while nodding and a smirk plastered on both their faces.

"Do you?" Lacey asked Liam who nodded and went back to the couch and started playing. I didn't know he can play. Wow, this three are really close it scared me a little. Before they fawn over Liam, I dragged them to the kitchen where my parents are to say hi.

"Hi! Mr. and Mrs. Jonas!! Can we bother you guys for the rest of the day?" Lacey and Jhane said in complete sync which amused my parents who laugh and just nodded, shooing us away with a "have fun!" Before we are completely out of earshot.

We got back to the living room and they are instantly fawning over Liam playing a guitar again.

"Hey guys! Guys!! I got a new phone yesterday! Hello??" I shout trying to get their attention but failed miserably so I just shoved my phone infront of their faces which snapped them off their trance and is now fighting over on who will get a look first, Jhane being the succeeding winner.

Jhane browse on my music list first with Lacey looking over her shoulder.

"Oh my gosh!!! You got Demolition Lovers in here!!!" Shouted Jhane and I just blushed.

"Yeah, it's made by Mechanical Romance, right?"
The three of them immediately stopped, looked at one another and began to laugh like idiots.

"W-what?" I was left staring at them, thinking wether I should call a mental asylum.

"W-what the hell, m-man? M-mechanical Ro-romance? Hahahahha!"
They just continue to have a laughing fit.

I waited till they're calm enough to speak.
I raised an eyebrow, asking for an explanation as to why they just decided to laugh at my face.

"It's My Chemical Romance, idiot. Not Mechanical." Liam explained and they all had a smirk on their faces.


And they laugh again, but this time, I joined too.

The Mechanical Romance thing happened irl. Just thought it was funny. But I'm horrible at jokes. Sarreh, k?

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