Welcome to Hell.. I mean School!

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Summer break ended and Molly is dreading the next thing that happens, and that is, going to school, of course.

Molly woke up from the sound of her alarm blaring, she rubbed her eyes and throw silent curses at herself for having an accidental all nighters, but what can she do? She just can't keep her nerves calm last night, she is just so nervous,excited and scrared on going to school. Not that there are any bullies there, though. Her school tries real hard on keeping the students from being bullies and bullied, but there are still the occasional teasing. 

Anyway, Molly goes straight to the bathroom and took a shower, she would prefer to not have any, though, because its too cold, but her mom will seriously kill her if she didn't get any, mainly because she was so into hygiene and cleanliness but its also tje first day of school, so she had no choice.

After doing her shenanigance. Molly went down to find her parents and her little-not-so-little bro, Liam getting settled into the table. She sat at her normal seat and began to put food into her plate.

Your asking why Liam is her little-not-so-little bro? Well, Liam or William is only ten and a half months younger than her (yeah, crazy) he is also very matured and understanding, and in all honestly, Molly think he is the older one of the both of them. Also Liam is in the same grade as Molly.

(A/N: Okay, sorry about this but Im going to give up on 3rd person. Its actually my first try and I just suck so Im switching into 1st. Again, sorry.)

"So Molly? How are you doing?" Mom asked.

"Fine...I guess?" Mom lifted an eyebrow at that and I just sighed.
   "Okay. Okay, Im excited... and nervous." I looked down at my food and just continue eating.

"Oh, you'll be just fine!" Dad said encouragingly. Im not really anti-social or is afraid of people, Im just super shy and well... insecure. I just don't like having many eyes staring at me, it really creeps me out and Im not the conversation-starter kind of person, but Im really approachable.

I gave them a smile and finished my food. I stand up wash my hands, picked up my bag, kissed my parents goodbye and waited for Liam outside the door.

Just our luck, we missed the bus. Yay! Ughh. Doesn't really matter now. Our school is walking distance anyway. Oh, the perks of living in a small city.

"So what do you think is going to happen today?" Liam asked me. I don't really know. Life is unpredictable after all.

"I honestly don't know Lee."

"Haven't I told you to not call me Lee?" Liam said in an exasparated tone and I just chuckle while he rolled his eyes.

We didn't speak with eachother for the rest of the walk. This is like our bonding moment, just walking with a comfortable silence and Im going to sieze this moment to properly introduce myself.

Hi. Im Mollieyne Jonas. Commonly known as Molly, MJ, Olli or Lyn. Im 14 turning 15 on December 16 while Liam turning 14 on October 10. Got brown/blondish hair and brown eyes.
And most of all, I got no dream. I just can't see myself as someone who's in an office, someone who's in a clinic, a classroom or anywhere else.

When I was a kid, I was full of them, full of dreams, always playing nurse, doctors, teachers, pilots, and anything I can imagine. But now those dreams got reduced to nothing, because I got scared. I feel like I can't do it, that I'm not good enough for it, that I cant achieve any of it, so I let it all go, let it all vanished until it's all gone and I'm an empty shell that needs to finish highschool with no clue as to what will happen next.

Liam and I parted ways when we got to school him with a his friends and I, on the otherside, am left standing outside, too scared to get myself caught in the swarm of teenagers trying to get inside. I tried looking for Lacey and Jhane, my bestfriends, but I got no luck on finding them, so I just went inside when the crowd lessens. I might see them beside our lockers.

And I was right, I saw them chatting beside our lockers. We've been friends for the past years because of our lockers that are right next to eachother. They saw me and waved me over. We haven't seen eachother during summer break because Lacey and her parents visited her brother in the country while Jhane had spent her summer with their relatives on some sort of province.

"Hey MJ!! How'd ya doin?" Jhane asked.
    "Oh. Y'know, the usual. How about you guys? Been doing something recently?"
  "God yes! I've been addicted in playing the bass!" Lacey screamed.
  "And I've been learning the drums." Jhane announced.
"You guys are so into music." I said shaking my head a little
  "You know it!" The both scream in unison.

"Oh Olli. Don't worry we will get you addicted this year. We made that as our goal." And the both giggled.

"That's been your goal since the first time we met, and by judging now. You guys failed, because I'm still not into music as much as you guys."

They both pouted.
"Olli! Don't say that. Plus we have a good feeling this year!!"

We just did some catching up until we got to our first period which we fortunately all had and unfortunatley we had math and the teacher discused immediately

Ughh very nice welcoming to hell- I mean school. Yeah, school.


I was sitting on English class when the bell rang, indicating school's over. Jhane nudged me to wake me up on my trance and signed us to get out. Now, we are waiting for Lacey to get out of her room, their teacher saying something I particularly don't care about. Lacey finally got dissmised and we went to Lacey's house to hung out because her house is the closest here.

Lacey's room is your typical teenage girl's room, except her's are full of instruments like bass, electric and acoustic guitars, an amp and a wall full of band posters. The same goes for Jhane's room except they have a drum set in the basement.

"Hey Jhane. You know about the new band called The RunAways?" Lacey asked.

"Oh my pastas! Yeah! Why?" Jhane screamed, getting my attention.

"Well, my brother told me they are touring near here next. Want to go?" Lacey asked, smirking, already knowing the answer.
"Seriously? You really had to ask? Well, hell YEAH!!!!!!!"

They both looked at me with a devious smirk.
"Oh, and Molly, dear?" Jhane started
"Whether you like it or not." Lacey continued.
"Your going with us." And they finished together.

Uggghhh. What have I gotten myself into?

I just sighed in defeated.
"K fine. When and where is it? Oh, and you guys are going to pay for all of this."

"DEAL!" They both screamed.
"Oh, and it's on 2 weeks from now, near the park. An hour after school." Lacey said for the both of us.

And they started talking about band things, music, etc. Both of them dreamed to be a part of the music industry since they were kids.

I'm really getting out of place here because I'm really not catching up on the recent songs and events. Oh Gosh, I'm really far off.

Anyway, they attempted on teaching me how to play an acoustic guitar, which I really sucked and is really hard by the way. My fingers are sore


Okay, hi guys!!! This is my first story and some of the band names and etc. Are all made up by me but if there are really a band name  that is the same as mine, please inform me. And there are also bands like the Emo Trinity, paramore, the used and others that will randomly pop up. So that taken care off. Hope you guys like the first chapter. Feedback pls. Thanks so much!!!

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