I gOt A dReAM! 1g07 4 dr34m!!

11 4 0

"You could put the blame on lacking a phone and the internetbfor me being far off the recent music thing-ies" I said to Lacey as she scold me for not knowing some recent songs. It's not that I'm completely off, it's just that I'm not really into anything, but I still know of the recent topics and shit.

"Speaking of your phone, give it to me." Lacey demanded.


"I'm going to download tons of music in it." Right. I rolled my eyes and handed my phone to Lacey and she began to do her shit.

I'm in Lacey's room on a Wednesday afternoon. Jhane's at her house, just a few blocks from here, her relatives are coming over for dinner so she couldn't hung out with us.

"Molly. The tour is on Friday so better get your ass out of the classroom quickly because we'll have a 10-20 minute drive to there and I want the best view of them. K?"

"Yah. Whatever." I just rolled on her bed and pretend that I'm a burrito.

"Dad's gonna give us a ride." I nodded and continue to make a mexican food out of myself.

~Time skip to said Friday~

I got a useless human being as my lab partner and I can definately say the same for myself.

My last period on Friday is Science and we are doing some kind of experiment that I particularly did not listen to, resulting to me just staring outside the window waiting for the bell to ring while my lab partner is sleeping his ass off as soon as it all started.

I'm not really surprise that we did not get in trouble because our teacher is the first one to dozed off after explaining things to us.

After what looks like hours and my neck aching, the bell finally rang and I didn't bother waking my partner up and just hurried outside to meet Lacey and Jhane.

I'm honestly excited on this tour thingy, I feel like something will happen to me after it.

I got outside of the school to find Lacey and Jhane already seated on Mr. Roosevelt's, Lacey's dad's car and jumped on without wasting anymore time.

Quick greetings passed between us and no words were shared between us excluding the occasional warnings and tips of safety Steve (Mr. Roosevelt) told us.

Silence crowded us because we are too nervouse. This is actually our first experience in going to band tours because the place is acceptably near our place, plus they didn't trust the thirteen year old us to commute on our own, at least now we had an adult to pick and get us there.

The park soon came to view. We have to get out of the car and walk there because there are alot of people that crowded near the place.

"Bye Dad!/ Bye Steve!"

"Don't do anything stupid, the three of you. Always stick together, kay?"

"We will!"
And Steve drove off, looking at us at the side mirror until the curve and he was gone.
Panic dawn on me. Who's gonna supervise us now? Whats going to happen? What if I got lost? Yes, lost. The park is a 40 minute walk from home, I guess, but being me? I don't know how to get back!

Lacey and Jhane must have noticed my face paling because they both put a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me.

"Hey, dont worry, we won't leave you. We'll stick together until we get back." I nodded. "And if it make you feel better, I brought a rope." Jhane said pulling out a thin rope and helding it to me. "We could tie it on our belt loops to keep us connected."

I broke into a smile and hugged them both. I'm so lucky to have them.

We tie the surprisingly long rope on our belt loops,Jhane in front, Lacey in the middle and me on the back. We walked towards the stage, but stopped halfway seeing that it was really crowded.

"Okay, just in case we got lost." Lacey spoked up. "We'll meet at the park. Near the swing set, kay?" Jhane and I nodded.

It's now five o'clock to five thirty-ish and it's really dark now. As far as I can see, the band is setting their things up.

It's getting pretty crowded, we were once at the end of the crowd, now there are people behind us.

The drums started to play a beat.

"Uhh, Hi. My name is Rob, the guy on my right, with the guitar is Ice." The vocalist, Rob said pointing to the guitarist guy, Ice. "This is Charle, my bro. The guy on my left is Zeian, he's crazy." And I think I heard a small 'hey' from the Zeian guy and a smirk spread on Rob's face. "And finally the drummer on the back is Jesse." He sucked in a deep breath and his voice came booming as he said;

People got wild as soon as he said it.

"Our first song is called, Hate. This is an original from ours and for the firt time is not a cover. Hope you guys like it."

They started playing and I'm just left in awe.

"Look at me, standing here beside you, but I guess you never really noticed, yeah? Because you never really care. Because you never really cared.
And I hate that about you..."

The crowd started to raise the hands, swaying them at a beat, leaving me unable to see them.

I look at the girls and they are doing exactly the same, and I followed them, raising my fist and swaying it side to side.

"Hate you for many reasons, but I love you, for only one. It is because of your sweet, loving smile, that make me smile."

I got drowned in the music. It's really beautiful. And you can get easily hooked up.

All things was well until the crowd started to push their way infront, leaving me to stumble and join their wave. I hold on to the ropes because Lacey is a little far away and I can't reach her. I took the rope of my belt loop and pulled myself towards them and I immediately hold hands with Lacey, and her with Jhane, but the pushing became too strong, I had accidentaly let go and got pushed forward.

I could hear them calling my name, but it soon fades away as the cheers got louder and I got farther.

I had trouble on keeping myself breathing, being surrounded by sweaty, odor-ish people was not suggested. My personal space got violated and their bodies are rubbing on mine.

I got dizzy, the lights, the movements around me got melted together and became an abstract picture. My head started to hurt and I wanted to puke, I almost did, actually, until I got pushed infront, near the metal fences that surrounded the stage, allowing me to breathe again. I got pushed up on the fences, and I cling desperately on it like a life line (well now, it is).

I sucked in as much air as I can, the dizziness slowly fading but the headache still there.

When I calmed down, thats where I noticed that I am really infront of the stage, having the nicest view of the band playing.

They are really hot, ohmahgawd. I think they are like in their late teens or something.
And they are all awesome and funny too. The guy on the left with the guitar, Zeian, I think, is having a seizure, going wild and just banging his head and swinging his guitar, but even with all of this actions, he still managed to smoothly play his guitar part, same with the guy on the right, Ice, he's also wild but not as wild as the Zeian guy. The basist, Charle is just doing his thing, so is the drummer, and Rob, Oh Rob, it's obvious his drunk, all of them actually are. But what fascinates me most is their skill in continuing what their doing even if their brain is induced with an alcoholic drink.

I wanna be like that. Not drunk! But I wanna be like that. Their music, inspires me. The rythmn, the beat, the timing, the syncronization that they are doing. I wanna do that. I wanna make music.

And for the first time since then, I got a dream. Mollieyne Jonas, got a dream, and she is determined to achieve it no matter what it takes.

Hope you like it!
Point out mistakes guys!

Ps: the song is mine. As much as the lyrics sucks, it's mine.

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