~Morning At The Watchtower~

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Princess Diana of Themiscyra was not a simple Princess. She has a heroine. A superheroine. She was Wonder Woman, the symbol of Peace and Hope, of Love and Compassion, not only for females but also for males. Perhaps she was the only heroine who had that effect on the public and one of the few not having a secret identity, because, as a Goddess of Truth, she didn't want to lie to anyone or hide something from people. She appreciated honesty and truthfulness not only from the people around her but also from herself, even though in a particular case she pushed those values aside and decided to hide things from someone she cared deeply.

Bruce Wayne, the so-called Prince of Gotham, seemed like a billionaire playboy whose only purpose of life was having a good time -specifically a good nighttime- and always get richer. The reality though was different altogether. He was a hurt child whose parents were murdered in front of him by a common thief who wanted to steal his father's wallet and his mother's pearls. A child who lost his whole world in just a few moments and with that his happiness, his innocence, his childhood, his smile... Then, he made a vow to his parents' graves. No other child in Gotham would have the same fate he had because he would prevent that. This vow became his new purpose and he did anything he could to achieve that. He traveled all over the world to learn martial arts from the masters and when he came back, he became the Batman, that Vigilante who wears a Kevlar suit, a cape and a cowl and strolls in the Gotham streets at night, fighting criminals in the name of Justice. On the other hand, he fabricated the persona of Bruce Wayne, that billionaire playboy who ran Wayne Enterprises, heritage of his parents. He learned to live with lies and façades. He learned to lie more than actually telling the truth. He learned to hide. He learned to push his own feelings aside and concentrate on his purpose -his mission as he liked to call it- and never let someone to his life... Hence, she didn't comprise an exception to this rule of his. But she did something that no one had managed to. She shattered all his walls and found her way to his heart by doing practically nothing...

It was indeed a love doomed from the beginning. She wanted to give it a try. She loved him too much to just let him go. He loved her too -perhaps more than she did- but he couldn't want to let her in because he was afraid of losing her.

That endless dance went on for several years. But one day, something occurred and everything was changed. For good.

~Nine In The Morning~
~Diana's Chamber~

She heard her clock ringing and almost jumped. She looked at it and read the time: Nine o' clock.

She let out a yawn and got up. Today was Saturday so she could rest for a while until the Founders' meeting at three o' clock. She smiled brightly. Saturday was definitely her favorite day. Actually, it was the only one when she didn't have early Monitor Duty. In fact, today she had none of it. She stretched, she dressed up and payed her respects to her Gods.

'Good morning, Diana' said the known voice in her head.

'Good morning to you too, J'ohn' she said as a response.

'How are you today?' He asked with genuine interest.

'Relaxing and waiting for our daily meeting. What about you?'

'I'm in the Monitor Womb. Only four missions to pay attention to. I'd rather say that somehow I relax too' he said with his usual stoic.

'That's good, I guess. Okay then, I'll see you soon in the Meeting' Diana brought their conversation to an end.

'I'll see you then' he said evenly and closed their telepathic link.

Diana returned to her own thoughts. If only every day were like this. She waking up whenever she pleased, relaxing for a while and then heading to the kitchen to have breakfast.

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