~The Parchment~

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~Two Days Later~
Diana was at her room at the Watchtower. Those three days that seemed like an eternity to her everytime she entered that room she couldn't help but think that this may be the last time she did. She was proven wrong again and again though.
Unfortunately, today she would not be proven wrong again. Today was her last day in Man's World; her last day with her new family; her last day as Wonder Woman. J'ohn had insisted she didn't participate in any missions and he had prevailed, despite her protesting against him.

She thought about passing by her friends' doors and say goodbye. That's what she was preparing herself for. She knew it would be easy to face them knowing that she may never face them again. She knew who would be the first one.

She headed to the elevators, taking one up to the private administration floor above the transporter and command decks. Unsurprisingly, she found Superman in their conference room, up in the air preparing for the next founders' meeting which was due the other day; she wouldn't attend it.

He turned to her with a cold expression.

"What brings you here, Diana? Haven't you left yet?"

His voice was cold, his bright blue eyes though were about to explode from emotion.

Diana could not bear looking at them.

"As for that, Kal, I just wanted to tell you that I'm leaving this evening and I came here so as to say goodbye to you," she replied almost in a whisper not bothering to think whether he could hear her; he was Superman.

"Well, then, farewell, Diana," Kal-El responded with a sad stare. "I hope we meet again sometime" he finished and hugged her tightly. An ordinary man would be just broken from his hold, Diana just felt even more guilty.

"I hope that too, Kal," she said with a trembling voice and a single tear rolled down her white cheek.

"I will never forget you," Kal confessed when they pulled back from the hug.

"Neither will I," Diana responded painfully and with that, she turned out and left the Conference Room knowing that this was the last time she had been there.

After walking almost ten minutes, she found her way to the Monitor Womb. She knew she would find J'ohn there, eating his favorite OREOs and maybe drinking some milk.
As soon as she entered the Womb, she acknowledged his presence in her mind.

'How can I help you,Diana?' It was his question for her.

'J'ohn, I'm going to leave soon. I just came here to say goodbye properly', she confessed I her mind while a wave of sorrow hit her in the chest. She didn't know whether it was her own sorrow or J'ohn's.

'Well, I guess we need to say goodbye. I hope you are happy with your new duties and I wish you all the best for your new beginning' he eventually said as a response and Diana could feel her tears rolling down her suddenly red cheeks.

She ran to him and embraced him. He hugged her back with a tiny sad smile.

'Thank you so much J'ohn. For everything' she simply stated and left the room brushing her tears away as quickly as she could. Then, she felt their telepathic link closing.
In that moment, a red streak passed by her and stopped a few feet in front of her.

"Hey Wondy," the Scarlet Speedster greeted her with a wide smile. "Supes told me you wanted to speak with me."

"Yes, Wally, I did," Diana confirmed his statement with a forced smile.

"What do you want us to talk about" Wally asked, his anticipation evident.
Diana sighed audibly.

"Wally, today is my last day in the Justice League. Tonight, I'm leaving for my homeland," she said, as blankly as she could.

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