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Central City wasn't as busy and noisy as she had left it, but way more than before. She did know that ten years could change situations and people dramatically but she never expected this...
The USA of 2017 in general were almost nothing alike what she had left in 2007, the year of her departure. Their new President was a misogynist pig, an unworthy man who was elected because he was convenient for the capitalists.
Technology had developed in unbelievable ways. She couldn't wait to visit the Watchtower and see how it would have changed; and the Batcave as well...

She wasn't used to such big changes. In Themiscyra, everything was almost perfectly stable. Nothing happened in her homeland. Her people were the same for thousands of years, and her mother was always the same, stubborn, fierce, and the strong leader that she knew ever since she was born. The only thing that changed in their world was she.

But no, Man's World was nothing like that. Man's World was a place constantly changing, developing, transforming. There, everything could change in a few days, or hours, or even minutes.

Letting a sigh of desperation, Diana continued flying above the massive city, her eyes never ceasing scanning as many things as they could.

Her stop was in about five minutes. Wally's flat was in the corner of the city, if he hadn't moved on to another. She would find that out soon.

She was overjoyed when she saw his name to the doorbell, though she hesitated to ring it. She just stayed and stared at it for some minutes until she gathered enough courage and rang it.

The door opened slightly and revealed a beautiful young lady in a pair of cozy shorts and a casual T-shirt. Her eyes still had that charming glam.

"Hello, Linda," Diana mumbled, feeling ashamed of ringing their door at this time, without forewarning them.

"Oh my God! It's you! It's Wonder Woman!" Linda Park practically screamed and invited her in with a nod of her head. Diana walked into the house with a kind smile. "I'm going to call Wally. He's still on the bed, that lazy red ball."

Linda disappeared and Diana heard her shouting at someone, presumably her soon-to-be-husband.

Soon after, a handsome red haired man approached her, wearing a pair of green pajamas and yellow shocks. His green eyes were sparkling and he shot her a wide smile.

"Di, you're back!" He shouted with overpowering joy and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back.

"Oh, Wally, I'm so glad to see you." Then, they pulled back. "It's so great to see you after so much time. I've missed you. I've missed you all."

"Di, we have missed you too. Terribly," Wally said and showed her a seat to the kitchen. She took it gratefully and he proceeded into making some coffee.

"Would you like some coffee?" He asked her.

"No, thank you," she answered. "Some water would be just fine."

"Water it is, then," Wally replied with a pleasant smile and poured her a glass as he waited for the coffee machine to be done. "Those ten years would be so better if you were here. I mean, it's not like we faced an alien invasion or anything as huge, but no one was able to talk Bats to reason. Not even Supes. And those were the times that we missed you; you know, when you just glared at him and made him change his mind. Those were good times."

Diana tried to avoid talking about Bruce and tried to change the subject of their discussion.

"How is everyone by the way?"

"Haven't you gone to the Watchtower yet?" Wally asked her surprised.

"No, I wanted to visit you first," Diana replied. "I wanted to thank you for the invitation and congratulate you. It's honestly great news."

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