~Morning At The Manor~

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~Wayne Manor~
~Nine O'clock in the morning~

The sunbeams entered the Master bedroom and filled it with bright light. Even the darkest corners lightened up. It even affected the owner of the Master bedroom who was sleeping under his silk sheets quite peacefully since no nightmare had interrupted his sleep yet. The sunlight though could do it with equal effectiveness like an intense nightmare.
When the sunbeams hit him, he opened his eyes sleepily, lazipy like a kid who didn't want to go to school and asked for additional rest.

"Alfred. How many times do I need to tell you that this kind of awakening disturbs me overwhelmingly?"

He growled. He didn't even bother to look around him. He was certain that his loyal British butler would be here, waiting for him patiently to get up.

"Master Bruce, I must admit that you find me absolutely negative to that statement you just made. This is the only effective way of awakening you and after all, you yourself had told me to wake you up and nine o' clock because you had work to do and some files to update. So, if you want to blame someone, blame yourself," was his only response. In all his lecture he didn't lose that stoic expression that characterized him; next to his slender but tall figure.

"You know, that gets on my nerves," Bruce complained as he started opening his dark eyes sheepishly.

"What, sir?" Asked Alfred waiting for a response.

"Your cool demeanor mixed up with stoic expressions every time you speak. It's been centuries since I last saw you showing emotion," Bruce replied, unapologetically.

"You should talk, Master Bruce," Alfred responded with much venom in his voice. "Anyway, you can come down to the kitchen to have breakfast whenever you please."

"What about the kids?" Bruce asked genuinely interested.

"Today it's Saturday. They have the right to wake up whenever they want," Alfred replied and turned to leave.
"Good morning, sir," he said as he exited the room.

"Good morning to you too, Alfred," Bruce replied quite loudly, in order for the butler to hear him.

He let out a yawn which was proven quite louder that what he expected. He wasn't surprised by that show of exhaustion though, not at all. The previous night was a rough one to say the least. Penguin had decided to escape from Arkham Asylum and he thought to take some more thugs with him like Deadshot, Killer Croc and of course Two Face-his favorite one. So, yesterday he had his hands full, hence he took the rest of the Bat Family with him; Barbara, Cassandra, Dick and Jason. It was proven hard to hunt all those villains down and beat them especially when he was responsible for four kids; Dick was twelve years old, Jason and Barbara were eleven and Cassandra was only ten. He always feared about them in battle and kept an eye on them.

With those thoughts occupying his mind, he got up from his bed and made his way to the gym.

An hour later, he was in front of the Batcomputer, updating the files of the criminals he dealt with the previous night. He had just finished with Deadshot's file, when his Justice League commlink went off. He picked it up.

"Wonder Woman to Batman."

He heard her voice, that voice which made him shiver. She heard quite shaken and that concerned him. He managed to hide it though.

"What's going on, Princess?" He asked trying to seem as even as usual.

"I just wanted to say that I want you to come to our meeting today," she said reluctantly as a response.

"How come?" He asked again with genuine curiosity.

"I have something to announce. I want you to hear that too. It's too important," she answered.

"If it's that important, then why you don't tell me that now?"He wanted to know again. He wasn't going to go to that meeting. He had a lot of work to do and no time to spend by hearing Clark talking about Peace and Justice. But now, what Diana told him made him quite concerned. What would an Amazon want to say to them and was that important?

"Bruce, I want to say that to all of you. Please, do me that favor and come to the meeting," she practically pleaded him, the emotion lacing her voice.

"Alright then, I will come just for you. I had no intention to," he confessed absentmindedly.

"Thank you very much."

He could hear her smile from the commlink.

"I'll see you then," she eventually said and turned her communicator off. He did so too.

"That was very strange," he remarked as he started updating Two Face's file.

At three o'clock, he was in the meeting room of the Watchtower with Clark, John, Shayera, J'ohn and Diana. The Amazon Princess seemed really nervous; he didn't know what to think about it. Wally hadn't shown up yet. He finally did five minutes later.

"Where were you?" He asked not bothering to hide his anger.

"Sorry, Bats, but I had some trouble to deal with in Sidney. It was not a piece of cake, you know," he complained, almost shouting at him.

He never responded to him because Superman interrupted them in order to start that meeting that they should have already.

"Please take your seats and let's start," Clark said and the meeting began.

Everyone took their seats and started hearing at Superman's lecture that seemed to have no end....

Here we are...
Second chapter. So, tell me what you think. Don't forget to leave a review.

What do you think Diana is going to say to that meeting?

If you find it, the next chapter will be dedicated to you! (Once again)

See you soon!

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