One moment is a life time's change.

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"Can we get married?" I said out of the blue. 

I had 2 months left, if I was lucky. The child was growing inside of me. Luckily, my stomach wasn't huge nor did I gain any weight other then on my stomach.

"Why the sudden question?" 

"I want to be with you, and be able to call you mine before I die." 

He looked pained, as his neck quickly whipped over to glare me in the eyes.

"No one said you were going to die." 

I guess it's time.

I told him my sister's story. From when she felt not important so she sold her body to feel wanted, to being murdered and violated.

I awaited an answer, but there wasn't one.

"Aiden?" I whispered, voice cracking near the end.

"Maybe marriage is a good idea." He suddenly burst out, rushing over to wipe something off my face. 

I realized I had been crying, he had been wiping tears away from my cheeks.

"Sorry." an embarrassed blush creeped onto my face.

I was finally going to get married. At 17. I had no choice or say. If I was going to die, why not live my life for the most that I can?

-- -- -- --

"Suck in!" My best friend Sydney replied, with Josh laughing in the background. 

"I'm trying." I breathed, taking in a big gulp of air praying I wouldn't pass out.

"What are you, pregnant?" Josh laughed jokingly. 

Before I answered, I looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was an angelic white gown. It squished my breasts up, making them look bigger, although they didn't need to be considering they grew 1 or 2 cup sizes bigger for the child I was carrying.  

Right below my boobs, there was a lacey strand that then gently flowed beautiful and loosly around the rest of my body. 

I laughed at Josh.

"No. Not pregnant. Not pregnant at all." 

"Hurry up! It's starting!" Syd whisper-yelled. 

If that's even a word.

Deep breath. In and out. In and out. 

Walking down the aisle was a new feeling to me. My eyes wondered around the beautiful white room with purple and blue died pedals, scattered around the floor. Lastly, my eyes found there way to Aiden's. He looked amazingly handsome, hair messily styled, eyes dancing in happiness. Wearing a black tux with a white belt. It may sound odd describing him, but he was the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on.

Once he saw me, his eyes bulged out. Re-gaining his composure, he then smiled breath-takingly from ear to ear.

Taking the last step, I was standing to his right, right beside him.

'I love you' he mouthed to me.

'I love you too.'  

The ceremony then begun,

"Do you, Prince Aiden Rosworth, take this beautiful young woman to become your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do." Aiden replied to the minister, staring deep into my eyes lovingly. 

"And do you, My- I mean Brookelle James, take Mr. Rosworth as your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do." 

"Well, then.  I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the pride." The minister said, smiling like an idiot to Aiden. 

He cupped his warm, rough hands around my face and gently kissed me passionately.

"I love you so much, Brookelle Rosworth." He grinned sheepishly. 

"I love you more then love itself, my dearest Prince Aiden." 

Maybe there is happy ending's after all.  

-- -- -- 

After the ceremony, we all went to the hotel lounge to play music, dance, eat the beautiful wedding cake, and say our speeches.

"Brooks, I've known you for only months now, but I can say you honestly changed my life for the better. Your so honest and fierce, it's unbelievable. You showed me how to be yourself and not care what other people think of you. You're like the sister I never had. Thank you." Syd said, happy tears stinging both, her and my eyes. 

"Aiden. We've been friends for years now. Words cant describe how proud I am of you for finally learning to love and let yourself be loved. I knew deep down you were a good guy. Whether you showed it or not. Love yah, bro." Damien smirked at Aiden, holding up a wine glass considering he was legal age.  

How we got married if we were under 21? Parental permission.

"Brooks. It's indescribable as to how you make me feel. Being around you makes me feel like I can do anything. I just wish I would have discovered this feeling sooner. I'm glad we worked out or kinks. We all know how life is like a long journey on the road.  I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I guess after my mom died and how fast my father quickly turned to another woman made me feel like true love never existed. But it does, Brooks. True love is real, and I'm beyond grateful that your my love." 

Aiden's words stung at me as I pranced on him crying. 

I love you, Aiden. So so much.

I thought in amazement.

Lust is real. Love is corny. God, did you know you make me so horny? [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now